The Off-Topic Thread.

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YEAH! Blue Paint Killer! That guy was freaking nuts wasn't he? :lol:

*whispers* yeah, like Marco :lol: ;)

:rolleyes: Everyone had their opinions I guess. ;) No hard feelings.

*Giggles at wibble's avatar* It's so cool.

Yeah, I'm hoping it'll send out the 'don't mess with me' vibe :devil: :lol:


Message sent. :lol: It's so cool.

And Kazzy, though Banderbears? (I'm certain I spelled that wrong) They are cool. :D
Sorry to get off topic but dang you wibble...your sig banner is soooo distracting! He's to hot to think of replying to a message :lol:
Heh heh, thanks CSIgal :D that's the third complaint I've had :lol: am glad you like it :D Grissom's just so hot to work Photoshop I mean :D ;)
Marco's hair is ok... long, like usually heavy metal people :p
*is still sad that Bruce Dickinson has nowadays short hair*
He has awesom hair :D I remember a while back that someone used to say that Marco had nasty and greasy hair.. Brings back memories, anyone? :lol:
Nooo, he does not need a haircut. He's hot with that hair! :D Long hair looks so good on him!
Sorry to get off topic but dang you wibble...your sig banner is soooo distracting! He's to hot to think of replying to a message :lol:

You can actually go off-topic in The Off-Topic thread?

Siri, I do remember that... didn't someone named kazzy say that? :p :lol:
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