I've been wondering. Do people dislike me so much? Or why the hell no one can ever visit at my home? There's always excuses. I know I live bit far awway from everyone but they drive around anyways. Why they can't just once call and stop by here?
When I turned 19. I thought I invite some people, who I had been hanging out for last 4 years to eat some cake. It was Sunday (I think). First I say they can come around 1pm. One girl says "noooo, it's too early". I said fine, come at 5pm, I'll go to play ice hockey at 3pm be there for an hour and have time to make everything ready. They call at 3:30 "We are now on our way, because that one guy have to take his little brother to ..somewhere... at 6pm"
I have to say I've never felt that shit. I wanted to tell them that it would be better then not to come at all.
When I'll learn that? That no one wants to come here.