The O.C.

I think she looks a lot like her mom. I am so surprised they found her!!! and Taylor is hot especially with Ryan.

Are Summer and Seth still together? People tell me they aren't and I haven't watched it lately.
xanessa said:

Are Summer and Seth still together? People tell me they aren't and I haven't watched it lately.

Summer and Seth's relationship has been off and on this season. It may be due to the fact that in real life both Rachel and Adam have broken up.
That's how I see it. :)

What do you think of Ryan's dad? Does he look like Ryan at all?

everytime kevin sorbo is on screen i just think of him as hercules :lol: would never have thought of him to be ryans dad. but its crazy, if melinda and the girl who plays caitlyn were out on the street together id think they were mother and daughter. i dont think its possible for two unrelated people to look more alike than those two.

its too bad that adam and rachel brook up, but it happens. although their scenes together are becoming really ackward. it must be hard to work under those circumstances.

lets hope they can redeem themselves this week, lay off the cheese and just tie up the loose ends! a little piece of me wants to see spencer again (because i have been in love with brandon quinn since big wolf on campus) but i dont think they can fit him in. oh well
I don't have a clue about Hercules. :confused: Not at all. :eek:

Well, TPTB sure pick the right daughter(Willa) for Melinda's character. Willa Holland is more believable as Julie's daughter than Mischa. :D

It is weird watching Rachel and Adam doing their scenes together when you know they have broken up in real life. They lost that chemistry they had in the past. It's too bad. Cause it definitely shows on screen.

Believe me, I'm all for Spencer coming back. Better than looking at Frank. :(
Julie must be blind. :lol:

hehe, this is kevin sorbo as hercules :lol: i actually cackled, not laughed but cackled, the first time he showed up on the oc. have you heard of the show xena? hercules was kind of like that, and they overlapped a few times. supposed to be ancient greece. i probably shouldnt have been watching it as a kid...
OT: I had to ask, didn't I? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes I've heard of Xena but never seen that too. :)

At least there's a connection with Melinda and Kevin. Melinda was on a couple eps of Xena. And from what I understand, Kevin also made a few(couple ???) appearances on Xena too.

May that's why? :confused: I don't know. :lol:

Back to the OC:

So, tonight's the big shake!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
I've seen some spoiler pics. :D Very interesting. :D

WP_Rocks_MY_World said:

Summer and Seth's relationship has been off and on this season. It may be due to the fact that in real life both Rachel and Adam have broken up.
That's how I see it. :)

What do you think of Ryan's dad? Does he look like Ryan at all?


I know it's sad that Rachel and Adam broke up. I thought they were so cute!!!

Ryan's dad was in Hercules and Andromeda. Never really watched Andromeda, but anyways, I don't really think Ryan looks like his dad. Maybe a few things but I don't know if I see similarity.
Clown porn? Clown porn???
I did not have to see that. :eek: Seriously??? :eek: :eek: :eek:

*mumbles to self* i hate clowns :eek:

Kaitlin so rocked in this episode.
Thank god she told her Mom how she really felt.
Losing her father, her sister, Dr. Roberts, all she wants and need is her Mom. I hope it's over between Frank and Julie.

So why did Julie run inside a building with Kaitlin during the earthquake? :eek: Isn't that more dangerous?? :eek:
Hmmm. We don't get quakes in the Mountains. :confused:

its kind of weird that they set julie up with frank only to say 'my daughter needs me' so were left wondering will they or wont they once the show ends.

and yeah, when they ran into the building during the earthquake i was confused. i thought less stuff would fall on you if you were outside, especially near the beach when theres nothing overhead. seemed kind of random, is it supposed to make them appreciate each other and their lives more now or something? well see.

is it only two episodes left? they have some major wrapping up to do. i wanted to smack ryan when he listened to seth and gave taylor a dictionary! seriously! :lol:
As for wrapping up, it looks more like a mess. :lol:

Stupid FOX had to cancel didn't they!!!

It's all rush now. :mad:

And only 2 episodes to go!! Why???? :confused:

At the moment, I'm not feeling any closure with The OC. :(

I got to admit, Ryan's bday gift was soo totally lame. WTF?? :eek:

God, I'm still thinking of clown porn. :lol: :lol: :lol:

"Happy Valentine's Day OC fans!!" :D

Thought I'd share this pic with you:

It's the Team Bullit t-shirt Kaitlin wore. :lol:
Isn't that cute.
Hell, if they can't bring Jimmy back, I'm all for Team Bullit. I know he's kinda of strange. :lol: But Kaitlin loves the guy. :D

The OC Finale: Season 4

It has come and gone OC Fans! Any thoughts?? :D
Did you find closure with your favorite characters? :rolleyes:

What started out great (Season Opener) lost it's steam midway and left me slightly disappointed in the end. Slightly. :)
It just felt so rushed the last few weeks. So here goes......

Sandy + Kirsten: The whole baby storyline didn't work for me. :( I just couldn't buy it. I'm sorry.
Not being able to rebuild and moving in with Julie was cute. Imagine all the craziness we missed with that storyline. *curses at FOX*

Buying back their old home in Berkley was awesome. Awww Seth's hand prints was pretty cool. And Sandy teaching.... if only we had the teaching storyline instead of the baby. If only? He looked so happy.
I found closure. :D

Julie + Kaitlin + Bullit + Frank: My favorite girls. And I really, really, really thought she was marrying the Bullit. How could Kaitlin leave her cell phone ON!!?? Girl, what is wronged with you? :mad:
Here's the slightly disappointing moment I mention, Why TPTB?? How could you write in another baby??? :mad: And it's Frank's boy, eewww!!!
Sorry Bullit, 13 was unlucky for you. :lol:
Thank you Julie for leaving Frank and choosing yourself and Kaitlin! YAY!!!

Did ya see the "Team Julie" t-shirts Kate, Bullit and Frank & Son were wearing at her graduation. Very cool!!! Again, I couldn't buy the new kid in the picture. Sorry. :(
Did I find closure? Since Julie is my fave, I don't know what to think?? Is she really single? I mean Bullit and Frank were there for the Graduation Ceremony. But Is she really on her own? *curses even more at FOX*

Seth + Summer: This season didn't feel right with these two characters. Brown University and Che totally ruined it for me! :mad: Sometimes I felt uncomfortable watching the two this season. :eek:
So wouldn't you know? After separating, they came back to each other and found Love and Happiness and said "I Do." Thank you TPTB.

I'm happy. I found closure. :D

Ryan + Taylor: They went separate ways? :eek: If I had to choose a marriage between Seth & Summer, Ryan & Taylor, Julie & Bullit, Julie & Frank , it would have been Ryan & Taylor. I was happy. :D So what went wrong? :eek: Why wasn't there a story book ending for Ryan? A marriage, wife, job, maybe a kid. Huh? :confused:
And what about Taylor? :confused:
At least we see both at Seth and Summer's wedding. That's a sign. Right? :D
Because we are left hanging, I found no closure.

The Montage: It was only fitting that the Finale would end with Ryan. He was the one that started it all along with Trey in the Pilot episode. All those sweet flashback moments. LOVED IT!!!


I started watching The OC midway through Season 2. Thanks to CSI. Months earlier I had no clue about both shows and my favorite gal Melinda Carke. If it wasn't for Lady Heather, I would not have been an OC Fan. :D
Melinda was the reason I watched the OC.
I will definitely miss her character the most.

For me, Ryan, Julie and Summer changed the most since the beginning. I will remember them the most about The OC. So I say "Thank You Rachel, Melinda and Benjamin!!" Thanks guys!

Thanks to the Whole Cast and Crew of The OC!!

Thanks for all the soapy, crazy, happy, sad, cheesy, funny moments!!!

Long Live The OC on dvd.
