The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style!

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Good one GNRF:lol:


WARRICK:: "Ok buddy, what's going on here"?:confused:

NICK:: "I'm not sure, we have to want till Grissom arrives":cool:

WARRICK:: "I'll just take some pictures till he gets here":vulcan:

NICK:: "So, where's the dead body":cardie:

WARRICK:: "I'm not sure, is there one"?:shifty:
Nick: Hey, Rick... take a picture of that bird over there.
Rick: Why?
Nick: I need it for my collection.
Rick: :rolleyes: You and your birds!
Nick: The tire tracks end BEFORE the edge of the cliff?
Warrick: Yes, and there is no car down there.
Nick: The tires look like they would be on a DeLorean.
Warrick: That is correct. One that drove at 88 miles per hour. Got a flux capacitor that uses 1.21 gigawatts of electricity.
Nick: Gee, I wonder where it went?
Warrick: Or when?

---=== OR ===---

Nick: Hey, 'Rick, look out there. A girl is sunbathing on that boat.
Warrick: You sure have good eyesight when it comes to girls.
Greg and Sara- The happy place

Sara: "Would you like me to read your palm?"

Greg: "I didn't know you could do that!"

Sara: "I can't, I just wanna hold your hand."


Jorja: "Thanks Eric for giving up your screntime so I can play drama queen one last time."

Eric: "Anything for you jorja."
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Sara: ...and I promise never to blow up the lab with you in it.
Greg: It's a deal.
Sara: Of course, Ecklie is another story.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: What are you doing?
Sara: Can't I just hold your hand?
Greg: You just slipped me one of Grissom's fungus tests, didn't you.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: Your life line is showing that your job might be in jeapordy.
Greg: Let me guess. Grissom just arrived and I had better get back to work.
Sara: Riiiiiight.
All hilarious to fans rock in your humor:lol:


GRISSOM:: "Ya know, maybe we should get married":p

SARA:: "Ok, lets do it, when"?:confused:

GRISSOM:: "How about right now, Brass is standing by, he can do the honors, and the whole team is waiting, Cath, Warrick, Nick, Greg, Doc, Wendy, Archie, Super Dave":bolian:

SARA:: "In this outfit":rolleyes:

GRISSOM:: "Sure dear, it's white ":adore:

SARA:: "UH, this isn't what I had in mind, Gil, and are Hodges and Ecklie going to be here":cardie:

GRISSOM:: "Well, we'd never hear the end of it if we don't invite them":(
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Sara: "My lord, I thought I got rid of that atrocity sitting on your head!"


Sara: "If you plan on wearing that hat to the wedding, you can forget the whole thing!"
Grissom: These bees are acting strange. They are all excited.
Sara: Maybe they see your hat and it's scaring them.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: NO! Your caterpillars are not going to be my bridesmaids at the wedding.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: You do know that you can buy honey in a jar at the store, don't you?

BRASS:: "OK Heather, you're not turning me on, so ya' want to sit on the chair":eek:

HEATHER:: "Whatever do you mean Capt. Brass":shifty:

BRASS:: "Just get off the table, please":alienblush:

HEATHER::. "Why am I here again"?:evil:
Heather: Captain Brass? Hello?

Brass: Huh? What? Oh, sorry. I was just imagining Sofia in that outfit. :drool:
Brass: Is this how Al Bundy got started?

---=== OR ===---

Brass: Nice shoes. I've got a pair like them at home.

---=== OR ===---

Brass: Does Grissom know you have a tattoo THERE?

---=== OR ===---

Brass: Wow, a lap dance here at the police station. Ecklie will be jealous.

---=== OR ===---

Heather: Wake up, Jimmy, or I get my whip.
Grissom & Greg

Greg: "Why do I have to scrape gum off the walls?"

Grissom: "Because you've been a very naughty boy."


Graffiti on the wall : "For a good time call Sara Sidle"

Grissom: "How dare you!"

Greg: "I didn't do it."

Grissom: "I just watched you do it Greg!"

Greg: "It wasn't me."

Grissom: "You're still doing it."

Greg: "No I'm not."
Gris: Greg, what are you doing?
Greg: Signing this wall.
Gris: Why exactly are you doing that?
Greg: I don't know, just felt like it.
Wall: Greg Rocks!
Gris: Greg, I don't know is not an answer.
Greg: The wall asked me for my signature, okay.
Gris: :wtf:
Grissom: Greg, why are you engraving "Built in 2000" into the brick?
Greg: Because that was when it was built, obviously.
Grissom: How do you know that?
Greg: That was when the sets were built for the first episode, smartypants.

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: How is the CSI scavenger hunt going?
Greg: So far okay. But I am not looking forward for the next item on the list.
Grissom: What would that be?
Greg: One of Ecklie's thongs.

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: ...and the next time you stick gum on the wall, I will make you clean the roof of bird droppings.
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