The most unrealistic aspect of the various CSI shows


Police Officer
While I generally enjoy the various CSI shows, occasionally I do have to laugh at how virtually all the crimes seem to take place in the homes and workplaces of the wealthy! Isn't it interesting how the CSI folks hardly ever have to crawl around roach-infested trailers or enter graffti-scarred tenements or scour rat-infested alleys to do their jobs??
Apparently almost everybody who gets killed in New York City, Las Vegas or Miami does so in an upscale hotel, a casino, a swanky nightclub, a million-dollar home or a high-tech office. The poor folks in those towns must be very well-behaved! The CSI teams rarely have to enter "bad" neighborhoods!
Except the body farm....

But in that case, basically everyone who went was totally comfortable, and the people who didn't get to go, were jealous. :S
I have noticed that to but, there is one thing that always makes me smile and that is everytime they enter a property they use thier torches/flashlights :confused: don't they know how to use a light switch or has there been a power failure?
The other thing is that they can't tell a tented arch from a loop fingerprint and most of the prints they search are upside down......Come on team get it right!!!!!
i think the thing about the flashlights has been brought up before, and some of the suggestions were if they found the place with the lights off they need to leave the lights off, and youre more likely to find little details if the lights are off and youre pointing a flashlight at it ;)
never even noticed the upside down finger prints, will have to look for that from now on!
Yes, the light switch has been discussed before, possibly in the forensics forum. First, there might be a fingerprint of the perp on the lightswitch. Second, their flashlights, a.k.a. alternate light source, has filters that seek out certain fluids or other clues that might not show up under ordinary incandescent or flourescent lights.
Ya and when they run prints into the system it usually takes weeks or even months for them to come back with an answer. On CSI they get results within seconds. Also DNA testing takes a lot longer then showed on the show and it also costs lots of money for DNA testing
I think for me it's the job devision. The CSIs on the show do it all but in RL, CSIs document stuff at the scene, criminalists analyze it at the lab, and detectives question suspects and witnesses and such. And really the number of criminalists involved might be bigger due to many of them specializing rather than a few doing all kinds of things.
(one recent book did say that detectives can sometimes collect evidence in smaller, less equipped areas but...)

Most states also have a crime lab they send stuff too. CSI had to condense and simplify to get it all in 48min.
Well, I read an article about the real Las Vegas CSI's (actually known as CSA's) and it was a lot more realistic than what I assumed. The most unrealistic aspect for me is the fact that they tend to do the work of the dectectives, aka, interrogation. Real CSI's wouldn't turn up at the suspects house the next day to talk to them, or go down to PD for the interview, but I found out they do interrogate people at the scene, mainly just to find out what happened, so they can verify or dismiss their version of events. Apart from that, yeah, they do take liberties with the amount of time it gets recieve results.
What bothers me in some of the episodes is that a body that is almost totally unrecognizable can be identified because they
A:had implants with a serial number

B:an artificial body part (bones, hips, hearts, etc.)of any sort with a serial number

that almost immediately identifies the body. How many times can that happen? And I think it's been done on all three shows, but I'm not sure. I know it's happened a lot on Vegas.
It would be boring if it was totally realistic. No job is ever as interesting as it seems. Like I'm training to be a nurse and it's so not as 'glamorous' as it is in TV shows.
I have noticed that to but, there is one thing that always makes me smile and that is everytime they enter a property they use thier torches/flashlights
Haha, my dad almost always says that. He's obsessed with the franchaise and my love for CSI was completely influenced by him!
The one thing that always give me a giggle is the immaculate turn out of the female stars to a crime scene. Their hair and make up is always perfect and more often than not they are wearing high heels. Anyone who has seen British SOCO's (Scene Of Crime Officers) at work in their paper jumpsuits, shower caps and rubber boots will know how unrealistic that is.

And dont even get me started on getting a perfect cast of a knife blade from a wound tract. :eek:
and more often than not they are wearing high heels.
Yeah, did you see the new CSI Miami ep 'No Man's Land'? You should of SEEN Calleigh's boots! She was like a super hero.

Their hair and make up is always perfect
I beg to differ. Once i saw Cal in a scene where her hair repeatedly switched from having body, to being dreadfully flat.