The 'Mistake' (csi ny fic)

Re: The 'Mistake' DL

Thank you! I already started writing next chap, should be finished somewhere this week! and let me tell you this, some very interesting things are going to happen.. ;)
Re: The 'Mistake' DL



Lindsay looked at him. “What is it?”

“The car won’t start!” Danny slammed his hands against the steering wheel and tried again. Only to find out the old Honda wouldn’t move an inch. He sighed in frustration “I should’ve got myself a new car when I got the chance!” Danny got out of the car to take a look at the engine. He was about to open the hood when a person suddenly appeared at Lindsay’s side of the car. Alarm bells were ringing in Danny’s head, this couldn’t be good. Certainly not at this time of night. Quickly he grabbed his gun..

“Ma’am, do you happen to know where the nearest gas station is?”

“Yeah, it’s about three blocks from here”, Lindsay replied cautiously through the open window. The man looked at her intently and she felt something wasn’t right here. In the corner of her eyes she saw Danny approaching the man.

“Put your hands where I can see them!” Danny was standing with his gun aimed at the man.

“I don’t think so”, the man replied and he yanked the door of the car open. Before Lindsay knew what was happening she got pulled out of the car and a knife was held against her throat.


“Shut up!” He pushed the knife harder against her neck and he put his mouth next to her ear “I know what you where trying to do all along Monroe! I know all about you, but you sure as hell can’t fool me!”


Mac and the rest of the team were already at the lab. The only ones missing were Danny and Lindsay. “It’s taking them longer than necessary to get here”, Flack said while looking impatiently at his watch. "It just doesn't feel right. I don't like this Mac"

"Neither do I. Stella, will you try to get a hold of them on their cell phones?"

"Sure Mac" the curly detective replied when she was already walking out of his office.

After a couple of minutes Stella returned with a serious expression on her face. "Both didn't answer their cell phones.."

"This isn't good, let's go see where they are"


“Let her go McGrey!” Danny shouted. He looked at Lindsay, he could tell she was afraid. Her eyes pleading his to help her, to do something. "You know you can't get away with this!"

"You think so huh?" He lifted his head towards the place where Danny was standing. Danny could see the rage in his eyes. "Than how did I get away before, just tell me!" This was definately Stuart McGrey they're dealing with. Lindsay's eyes widened when she felt the cold metal being pressed harder against her skin, she didn't want to think about what would happen if he just pressed a little harder..

Danny swallowed before he spoke again. This time in a softer voice not wanting to get Stuart more angry, especially not since the guy was very unpredictable and Lindsay's life was at stake. "Why don't you tell me ? You are the one who managed to disapear after three murders and stalking a detective. If I would've been you I wouldn't dare to show my face in this city again.. So, why did you come back?"

McGrey started laughing "It's not that simple, detective..", he lifted the knife from Lindsay's throat and let it trail around on her cheek. "I had to come back because I had some unfinished business to do.."


Sorry to stop here guys but I have to go to work! Please let me know what you think !! ;)