The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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^ i vote nude too. he´s probably freeminded and really comfotable with his body. well, atlest i am! :devil: :D

on the whole "Shasta McNasty" thing; i saw it a couple of times on MTV but i was to young and ignorant to notice Carmine. i would just stare at the insanity of Jake Busey :p
Now, are we all voting that he sleeps in the nude because we truly believe he does or is it wishful thinking? :lol:


Ok, so maybe the latter, but still...until it's shown otherwise on the screen, I maintain that Danny Messer sleeps in the nude. :p :D
I too vote for in the nude, and as far as the New York winter is concerned Danny doesn't need warm and fuzzy pj's to keep him warm - I'll volunteer - I'm hot-blooded, albeit not fuzzy.

I'm hot-blooded, albeit not fuzzy.


Well that's easily sorted, just stop shaving. :lol: Get the feeling, although he would be warm and in the nude, Danny wouldn't be doing much sleeping. ;)
The strip search idea is a great one. Heh, I know the LRG would be all over that one--we'd each have to do a thorough search, just in case one of us missed something. :devil:

what a great idea!! :devil:

he'd be there a while with all of us though!! :lol:
Now, are we all voting that he sleeps in the nude because we truly believe he does or is it wishful thinking? :lol:


Ok, so maybe the latter, but still...until it's shown otherwise on the screen, I maintain that Danny Messer sleeps in the nude. :p :D

I agree with you Top41!!!

i think Danny would sleep in his birthday suit!! :devil:

PS sorry i just noticed i posted twice in a row!!
hi everyone, it's getting a bit saucy in here, calm down ladies!

but just for the record i vote nude also!
Us? Saucy? Why we'd never...

Oh, bollocks, of course we would. In fact, we'd be a lot saucier if it wasn't for our nemesis the PG-13-o-Meter who just doesn't want to let us talk about what we'd do to Danny if [CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER]! :devil:

See, there's that bugger. :p The Meter doesn't want us to have any Dirty Danny fun.
i suppose we will just have to keep our saucy thoughts to our selves.
Here's what I think he would wear to bed--Danny: t-shirt and boxer shorts; Carmine: nothing. Looking at those pictures on his website, he seems kinda sensual.

I think if we all got a chance to stripsearch Danny before a flight, he would miss it and have to rebook for a week later. We'd have to be extremely thorough! Nothing can be overlooked! :)
just crusing my favorite thread and I think that Carmine sleeps in the nude because he sure doesn't have a problem baring it all for pictures. Danny, hmmm probably boxers.
Danny's definetely a wife-beater and boxers type. I could see Cramine sleeping in the nude, but I'm sure he wears boxers to bed. Maybe it's just me.
Personally, I see Danny sleeping in something, be it boxers or long johns. There's something about getting woke out of a sound sleep and having to move quickly that tends to make people sleep in something. It'd be embarrassing to get startled awake and be nude also.
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