The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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HOW COULD YOU?!? :lol: That's okay, GoodLittleWench, you've replaced him with another smoldering hot man, anyway!

I know. Mac just keeps getting hotter. :devil:

As for Danny....I like the goatee. I agree it adds to the whole 'bad boy' feel. And I am loving the casual look. The man looks absolutely smoldering in jeans. And the arms...oh, don't get me started on that.
You know, when I logged on and saw how many new posts there were, about 80 since yesterday and it's normally fairly quite in here on a Saturday, my first thought was that Bitten and Top had been at the alcohol again.

Oh my God! We have a rep! That's so awesome! :lol:

I don't think Top has been in here yet.. Can't wait to hear what she thinks of that pic

Actually, I made her look at it last night and got an earful that would have made the Meter explode!

As for the goatee, I don't mind them on guys who can pull them off and I think Danny can.

Man, I can't stop staring at this pic. *Weeps for the sheer beauty*
Hands are always the second thing I notice on a guy. The ass being the first. :devil: And Carmine has lovely hands. I would just love to suck on those fingers.... Yeah, I should just shut up.
No, no, no, Alyssa, that's not an obsession, that's what you call having a good eye for truly beautiful things. It's an innate quality all locker room girls have. :D

Man, I can't stop staring at this pic. *Weeps for the sheer beauty*
It's poetry. Sheer poetry. A masterpiece. Those arms deserve to be painted. *sets up a canvas and gets to work*

OK. Wow. Everytime this is posted I have a little reaction that the Meter won't let me talk about. ;) All I have to say is that the man should go topless this season. It should be illegal for Danny to wear shirts in NYC.

And, holy hot damn, those arms! :D :devil:

I'm not sure yet how I feel about the goatee. I liked the subtle stubble, the sorta-goatee, sorta not. I'll see if the look grows on me. :lol:

You know, when I logged on and saw how many new posts there were, about 80 since yesterday and it's normally fairly quite in here on a Saturday, my first thought was that Bitten and Top had been at the alcohol again. Sorry girls.

I did end up coming home drunk last night, but was in no shape to post, especially after seeing that picture. :lol:
hot dang! look at those biceps! wouldn't we all just love to get lost in them?! *faints*
for him, the goatee is acceptable... gawd, he looks good in anything! ... and in nothing as well! :devil:
And after he showers, he applies cream all over his body.

what?! tsk. gotta be a bit more creative, here, Doreen. you should apply the cream...

if you won't, i will ;) :devil:
I just had to print myself a copy of that picture. It's just too good not to have around to look at whenever I want. :devil: Man, those arms get me every time!!
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