The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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Yup. I wonder if he does archery... He has the perfect arms to do it. I swear, if he took up archery, I'm gonna go back to my archery training too!
I posted this pic on the DnA thread and EllaJ told me to post it here. Anyways, don't blame me for deathes, k? :D Seriously. I had an orgasm just by looking at his arms.

so hot, so so hot omg

I was so focused on his hotness that I squealed season 6 promo pic instead of 2 :lol: :lol:

That's a promo pic of season 2! :D
What I love the most about Carmine is that he is an artist. I am an artist as well, and I love it when someone I obsesse over likes the same things as me... :lol:

And his great bod helps...... :devil: I think he should do those Hot Bod commercials. :devil:
OMG!!! I'm drooling right now just looking at those arms!! And Carmine's not using his suit! *faints and then gets up again* I love that pic soooooo much! Thanks!!!
Holy mother of..... Look at those arms! *grabs drool bucket* And I am loving the casual look. Man looks hot in jeans and a polo shirt. *goes back to staring at the arms*
YEAH! I swear I'm never gonna make fun of a polo shirt again! And Carmine looks slimmer in that pic. LOOOOOVE his muscles! I think I'm gonna faint again...
Wow. Methinks Carmine wasn't kidding when he said he'd been going to the Y.

Excuse me, I think I need to be alone with this picture. :lol:
Oh good, I'll know someone when I get there. :D

I have a feeling that the whole of the Locker Room will be there. :lol:

I am packing my handbasket as we speak. You know, the one for going to hell in.

One of my favorite quotes is "Where are we going and why am I in this handbasket?" I've only had one person understand exactly what I mean when I've told it to them. :lol:
It has to be posted in plain view for us to stare at...

*sigh* Why do I feel like I've died and gone to heaven even if my thoughts should put me in hell?
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