The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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Doreen don't you dare change your banner! ;)

So where were we? Ah yes, the choice between Carmine and Danny? I think lookaboomerang and Top said it best. Carmine's hot, there's no denying that. But it's Danny we "know" and Danny we "love".

Whoever's undecided, we can always go back to the sandwich reference. :D

Udjat!!!!! There you are! That's true, we do need a knobby knees picture, don't we? How about a screencap from Screen Kiss or the beautiful one that inspired your avvie? I do have that one already... all I need now is a kilt shot from the same angle... :p
As well you shouldn't! Don't worry, when I get the tongue roll, I'll post it up as my avvie or sig so we'll all have something else to stare at... :D
Why are we not talking about Danny naked? I thought I heard the Meter whispering back there, calling us wimps! :eek:

So I told it that if Danny was in the shower rubbing himself down with a bar of soap, I'd have to [CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER]! :devil:

HA! Take that, Meter. :p
I was thinking more of Zest, with that nice, fresh smell, but hey, whatever works! :lol:
hehe...Danny's not clean unless he's zest-fully clean
Sorry had to say it.. :lol:

Oh man, Carmine needs to do a soap commercial
LMAO. Carmine's body is pretty stocky, isn't it? It's not like Eddie's body. Eddie's body is long and lanky and Carmine's body is more short and stocky. But that still makes Carmine incredibly hot!
Stocky? I wouldn't describe Carmine as being stocky. He might not be "long" or as tall as Eddie but he's definitely not stocky, his body fits with his height.
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