The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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It's all fun and games until someone looses a flipper. :lol:

Killer penguins! :eek: That would be a good twist to the story; it wasn't the tigers that mauled the body but the penguins!
It's always the quite ones. ;)
Did you read the preview? A 'horde of tigers'? Just how many tigers does the Bronx Zoo have? I prefer the penguin theory. Has everyone seen 'The Wrong Trousers'? :lol:
I <3 the wrong trousers.

Has anyone seen that Futurama episode where Bender turns the penguins into killer ones? It's hilarious.
uhhh.... how did all ya'll get from nekkid danny in the shower to killer penguins? man, this thread never ceases to amaze! :lol:
See I was totally right. The Penguins are setting us up and awaiting orders from Pingu.

But there is hope. We could bribe the female penguins with promises of Danny shower scenes.
Or if that doesn't sway some of them then we give them promises of Danny/Flack shower scenes, throw Khanada at them and run? :p
Hey, wait a minute! Who's throwing me where with whom and what's this about tigers?

Hell, I can't sneak off to do charity work without getting tossed in the tiger pen. :lol:

Now if someone mentioned tossing me in the shower... I could get behind that.
killer penguins in the shower with Danny, Flack, and Khanada? Too much...head spinning...still thinking 'bout this one:

Two words.

Gun. Holster.


Always liked a man who was good with his gun :devil:
Ohhh, I'm gone for a couple of days and look at what happens!!!! #4. Four rhymes with whore. :devil:
:lol: Very astute. What are you trying to say about us? And, more importantly, where the heck have you been? You've been AWOL from your own site and we miss you!
LOL..Penguins in the shower with Danny..I think he should stick with the rubber ducky hehe

If they show a penguin on the zoo episode I'm going to laugh my ass off
:devil: "Hey, baby...Would you like to touch my gun? It won't misfire, promise." :lol:

Now, does he say that in the shower with the penguins? :D
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