The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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I must concur with Bitten on this, lighting up is normally a sign that you have enjoyed a healthy and vigorous coital experience.

I’m not a smoker, but he ceratinly does it well. Doesn't make me want to light up, but I would watch him.

Has anyone else noticed the way Danny sort of bounces into and out of a squat, it is a fluid and effortless motion. He must have powerful thighs. That is what I learned from last night’s episode, screw science and the law.

That is what I learned from last night’s episode, screw science and the law.

There's science? :confused:


I think so. Truth be told I normally watch it on mute and wait for Danny to get naked. Maybe, I'm wrong the lab coats and latex are probably for foreplay.

Definitely agree on the postcoital's usually a sign of contentment and fulfillment! Also, after having a good meal, there's nothing like a smoke. I smoke, so I know (still trying to get up the nerve to use my Zyban, have heard so many horror stories).
:lol: I love how a manip could lead to smoking as a sign of fulfillment! I think he looks good smoking in the Emilia picture, but I'd be all out in a campaign to get him to quit... not that my opinion here actually matters to the guy. :)
Has anyone else noticed the way Danny sort of bounces into and out of a squat, it is a fluid and effortless motion. He must have powerful thighs. That is what I learned from last night’s episode, screw science and the law.


Nice observation! I was just captivated by his face. :( I'll work harder to be in the gutter.
Definitely agree on the postcoital's usually a sign of contentment and fulfillment! Also, after having a good meal, there's nothing like a smoke.
I could make a smutty remark here :D bu it's exactly how I feel about it, whether it's a psychological factor or not, but it's definitely true.
I smoke, so I know (still trying to get up the nerve to use my Zyban, have heard so many horror stories).
Ookpik not to be too negative 'bout Zyban, but erm... I worked for the company that produces Zyban (GlaxoSmithKline) and worked on several clinical trials (even before it was approved by the FDA and brought onto the market) regarding it. The side-effects are fairly heavy. Only good side-effect is that it can cause people to lose weight. But the horror stories have some truth in them, I can't deny that.

Mind you, if you don't really want to stop smoking, then don't bother using Zyban either, coz you'll need a combination of both to succeed! ;) You're probably better off using patches or gum. Sure as hell is cheaper! :)
this thread sucks! if you didnt read my post, let me get it through your thick head "CARMINE CRUSHES!!!" this thread you have here is just... ummm let me think...trash! you guys are talking about the physical carmine, not the personality or the heart and how he reacts to other people. "oh he has a nice butt" " i have dirty dreams about him!" GROW UP!
this thread sucks! if you didnt read my post, let me get it through your thick head "CARMINE CRUSHES!!!" this thread you have here is just... ummm let me think...trash! you guys are talking about the physical carmine, not the personality or the heart and how he reacts to other people. "oh he has a nice butt" " i have dirty dreams about him!" GROW UP!

I guess you didn't notice that the thread is called Carmine goes Commando! Not meaning to be rude but if you don't like it don't read it! It's that simple.

Everyone here (apart from you) is just having fun, reading and comparing these crazy thoughts and visions (and fantasies :p ), it makes people laugh!!
Someone got out of the wrong side of the bed, didn't they obsession_360 :)

I agree with underworld_eddie if you don't like what we discuss, don't read it.

At the end of the day its your opinion, but you could be a little bit more sublte than that. We're just here to have fun and discuss a common interest.

Anyway, we don't just talk about his physical features (although it is a large proportion). But we are rather limited in what we say about his personality as we have never met the guy and we don't want to make assumptions!
Well excuse us for having a little web infatuation as MrsG. so rightly calls it.

We are just here to have fun, nothing more. And yes, we drool over his butt, his hot body and his screaming good looks, simply coz he has them.

Bottom line is, we don't know Carmine and eventhough some of us would like to (I would), we most probably never will. So no point in talking about his personality or his heart or how he reacts to other people. We drool over what we know, not over what may be considered wishful thinking.

You call this thread trash... honey, you wouldn't know trash if it hit you in the face. See... now that's fun, which is what this thread is really about, a helluva lotta good clean fun!

Obviously everyone around here seems to be more GROWN UP than you AND your post!
Okay, everybody take a deep breath here and count to ten. Or twenty. Or fifty.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion but we what's been said a few posts back is dangerously close to flaming, and that's just not cool. This thread is dedicated to discussion of Carmine. Not just his looks, but his personality, his quirks, his chemistry, his eyes and his belly button.

If someone wants to discuss the chemistry he shares with the other cast, by all means... I for one think the whole cast has great chemistry together and we know that Danny and Stella are paired for the opener. I'm looking forward to it.

Deep breaths people. Carmine sometimes reads the threads. Let's just get along and remember why we're here in the first place.

Sorry if I'm out of bounds, Mods. Neither of you were around. I'm going to bed soon. Everyone play nice please.
^well i've calmed down after your statement.

Haven't really thought about his belly button before. :)

Haven't we discussed the pairings before. I can't remember. :) I do like Stella and Danny working together. I also like Aiden and Danny working together. I love how they joke and make fun of each other. :D
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