The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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New Locker Room! Whoo-hoo! And it's not a shower, but he's all wet. Like throwing out the first pitch, I'm logging in the first pic here.
And what a nice pic it is! :D Feel free to post more pics of that particular scene. I don't mind, and I'm sure no one else does. :D

Gah, what a useless post, what I really wanted to say ::raises hand:: present! :)
I'm checking in! Nice photo, Khanada! Danny looks sexy all wet...poor thing, someone needs to help him out of those wet clothes...I'll bravely volunteer. ;)
Thank you very much. Another one, just because.

Wet hair, wet clothes, intense look. Okay, start the line forming behind me. :devil:
Woo-hoo! I haven't been around these parts for a while. I thought I'd pop in and wish you a happy thread-warming! Carmine commando...
Udjat, I have read your fanfic and really liked it. The idea of Danny looking out for a young kid and wanting to be a positive role model was a nice touch.
I also thought that Danny and Aiden were going to do lots and lots and lots of naughty things with that ice cream! :devil:
All my D/C fantasies seem to be revolving around food! Well, I am French after all! :lol: Now, I think that I am going to allow my brain to take a dive down the gutter. The gutter is a beautiful place filled with showers and sandwiches and chocolate and wet Danny and commando Carmine.... Aaaah, bliss! ;)
Aww, thanks stfrench. You are too kind!

I had actually considered having the ice cream play a major part in the PG-13 part of the story, but then I thought it'd be more fun to write it the way I did, just to have you imagine a puzzled look on Danny's face thinking: :rolleyes: women!
I usually imagine strawberries and whipped cream. Danny and food just go together naturally.
i'm here! We're going to have this thread upto 1000 posts in no time.

Those pics were very nice.

Danny + ice cream = crazy4danny fainting. :lol:
I've been lurking in the Locker Room for weeks and finally decided to post something.

Danny and food... bringing us back to where we left off: Sandwiches! :lol:

A brand new Locker Room to go with the brand new set of CSI:NY. Fab! :D
Hi Tala !
I am new here myself and there is so much going on: the shower scene, which is (let's not forget it) our mission in life, D/C sandwich, commando Carmine... :devil:
Seeing those pictures of Danny all wet in the rain (awww, poor baby! Thanks for those Khanada! :)), I'm thinking that if the writers are really wicked they'll leave it at that, kind of "right, that's your lot! You'll have to make do with this!" and will not grant our shower scene wish. But they won't do that, will they? :confused:
Welcome tala. :) thats a good point. New locker room for new set.

it'll be good seeing them move their stuff. that's the perfect opportunity to find out more about them and their past. :)
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