The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

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Can never get enough of that OK! spread on Carmine's house.

Me either! I want to get my hands on the issue, but I'm sure I wouldn't be able to. I love those pics of him around the house. It's great! :D
^ I wanna get my hands on Carmine and tap that ass :devil:. I'll have my very own personal centerfold right on my bed and ooh he can spread 'em anyday :devil:.
afrikana said:
isnt it supposed to stop you from voting twice? unless you have two accounts...only 2?!?!?! ok...FINE!

i'm so with the "we're busy" one lol.

Sorry for the confusion. :confused: What I was attempting to convey was that I had voted in polls prior, but this was the first time I was contributing a post and a vote. :)

Also, I just love the Danny smiling pics...makes this woman's 4th of July complete! ;)
Yeah, so for the new thread title, I chose the The Walking Sex God - Worship him! and the **Muffled Thud** - We're Busy. The second one just cracks me up! :lol:
^ :lol: ...i chose the exact same ones! "we're busy" is winning! yay :D

and btw no prb prettyeyes... his smile IS magical! *sigh*
1CSIMfan said:
For those of you wondering, here's where the celestial star thing came from. It's in reference to the celestial star over the dining room table and thoughts of being on that table under that star.

Here's where the celestial star came's the 3rd link but I included the entire article

the star
star is on this page
here too

That second pic makes me weak in the knees.
I can't believe it but I love it. It looks like the winner of the thread poll is gonna be Muffled Thud** - We're Busy :lol:

Maybe the publishing company has backissues of that magazine they are still selling. I'll have to check that out.
Maybe the publishing company has backissues of that magazine they are still selling. I'll have to check that out.

Really? I'll do some work into that! I want that issue! Didn't know you could do that. Thanks for the advice.
Damn, if I'd known that people were going to want that magazine, I would have bought up a couple dozen back when it came out. :lol:

In love with the door, she says.
Heh heh, I love him opening the door. I'd be standing there like, "oh, nice door" and then he'd open it and then...muffled thud--we're busy! :lol: (Heh, I even incorporated the new title. ;))
Faylinn said:

Heh heh, I love him opening the door. I'd be standing there like, "oh, nice door" and then he'd open it and then...muffled thud--we're busy! :lol: (Heh, I even incorporated the new title. ;))

Nice job incorporating the quote Faylinn!! I'm telling you, that pic of him in the blue suit in the lounge is poster material. Although, I'm a little too old to have a poster up in my room like a teenager. Where was he when I was 15?????
^ lol! i love our new title :D next time he's in a magazine by a couple dozen issues and sell them for double the price once they're off the stands! :devil:
Oh I wouldn't do that. Shame on you, afrikana! *waggles finger* Even if people were willing to pay double the price for some Carmine goodness, it is my duty to share the love without...wait, double the price could be interesting *taps chin thoughtfully*... :lol: I'm just kidding. ;) I bought a copy of the magazine and sent it to a fellow poster in the UK, so I was just thinking that, if I'd known a bunch of people would want it now, I would have stock-piled some. :lol:

Oh, and Springmoon, when it comes to Carmine, I think we can all make exceptions--if they actually had posters of him for sale, it would be hard for me to resist. :lol:
you'll never be too old to have a carmine poster. his hotness is eternal...fine maybe until he gets really old :p :eek:
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