The Kids Are Not Alright (Case-file, Sara-centric)

Title: The Kids Are Not Alright
Rating: T
Summary: CSI is called in to investigate an apparent homicide at a high school. But they have two problems: no one’s talking, and a kid is dead.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters!
Author’s Notes: This idea came to me after I had a quite… disturbing… dream one night. I woke up, and though the dream was graphic and made me tremble just thinking about it… I thought it would make for a very interesting story scenario. Most of the characters in this story were inspired by my dream, and another reason I wanted to write this story was because I wanted to try and show how trapped some kids feel in school (though this is truly blown out of proportion). I hope you guys enjoy it!

Books, paper, pencils, sweat, and that lumpy stuff on your cafeteria lunch tray that was supposedly mashed potatoes. That was what popped into Sara Sidle’s mind when school was mentioned. Particularly, Sara was not a big fan of school, and she never had been. She was seen as the over-achiever, something that the teachers adored and the other students resented. To the other students Sara was just another geek, another nerd, another nobody. And that was why Sara hated it as much as she did. It wasn’t that she hated the academic part, she loved to learn, but it was the environment she was forced into in order to do so that struck a chord with her.

And so needless to say that Ms. Sidle was not exactly all that thrilled when she was handed the assignment sheet she was. When she had first looked at it, it was nothing exciting or new; four-nineteen. She had worked her fair share of four-nineteens so she knew what to expect. But there were still those cases that made her feel like a kid who was just asked by his parents to clean his room and this case happened to be one of them.

Four-nineteen at the high school near the I-15 interstate. Sara had driven past it enough times but had never really paid that much attention to it. To her it just looked like any other high school; flag pole in front by the office building that wasn’t exactly necessary, red-orange brick buildings and windows at the very tops of the sides of the building. The assignment sheet said that a male voice called 9-1-1 and demanded that the police were sent down right away. At first the police thought maybe the body was someone who had been hit in front of the building; it was by the interstate so it wouldn’t be a surprise if someone had been hit by a car not looking both ways as they crossed the street. But when the police got there they realized that this was not a hit-and-run or an accidental homicide.

So that was where Sara was called in, after all she was the one with the silver box and shiny little toys. Driving over to the scene, she couldn’t help but feel a wave of impending doom fall upon her. She felt like just another science nerd, the way she did when she used to walk to school in the mornings. She half-expected the same ass that used to skate up behind her on his skateboard to appear.

Pulling up to the scene, Sara reluctantly got out of her SUV with a sigh and headed to the trunk to retrieve her kit. After popping the trunk and heaving the large box out of the back, she headed toward the entrance of the building in order to greet Brass inside. Walking down the hallway, she turned her head from side-to-side, noting the various flyers put up for try-outs for choir and the chess club.

Once actually inside the building, Sara definitely knew she was in a school. All schools had that smell to it, and this school was no different. But one smell didn’t belong and Sara could figure out what it was right away. It was the familiar metallic copper smell she had come to have fill her nostrils as often as car exhaust did. There was no doubt that something indeed happened.

Walking through the school between the two rows of teal-colored lockers, Sara scrunched up her face. Damn, the smell was so strong! Sara was skilled and surely not new to the world of dead bodies and blood, but… there sure seemed to be a lot of it, and it still managed to sometimes make her stomach turn. She stopped when she spotted the body lying in a pool of what was assumed to be the victim’s blood. There was a bloody gash covering the left side of their head and blood stained the victim’s orange and white sports jacket. Jock, Sara assumed.

Slowly setting down her kit, Sara reached into her back pocket and retrieved a pair of gloves, slapping them on. As she was about to take a step she looked down just in time to avoid stepping in the ever-growing blood pool. She felt like she was a kid trying not to walk on the lava, having to walk on certain parts of the floor in order to preserve the evidence. Looking down at her watch, Sara noted that the coroner should be there soon, so she opened her kit and got to work on gathering trace from the body without moving it.

Just as she was about to take a sample of blood, Brass and another man walked down the hall in front of her. “Look, I’m just asking if you touched anything,” Brass calmly told the man.

“Hell no! With that smell?” the man asked. “I clean the bathrooms, I take out the trash, but I’ve never smelt anything that bad!”

“Alright, so what can you tell me?” Brass asked, taking out his notepad.

Sara couldn’t help but smile a little as she swabbed the puddle of the blood, unobtrusively eavesdropping in the conversation.

The man just sighed. “I was walking down the hallway and…”

“What were you doing here after school hours?” Brass asked. “Obviously you’re not a student here,” he said with a small smile.

“I told you, I’m the goddamn janitor,” the man replied. “See this crap I have on?” he asked him, tugging on his blue scrubs. “I didn’t go to no Macy’s and pick this up, man. It’s uniform.”

“Alright, so tell me what happened next,” Brass urged him.

“I was going down the hall to take out the trash near the teacher’s lounge,” he explained. “Last trash bag of the night. It’s the furthest away from the dumpster so I try and save it for last.”

“What, you… save it to give yourself something to look forward to?” Brass asked. And then with a smile, he clarified, “Last bag, last job, you get to go home?”

“No way, I still had to clean out the urinals, make sure the boss’ toe-nail clippings are cleaned off his desk. I wasn’t lookin’ forward to nothing, man.”

“Hey,” Brass said, holding his hands up in surrender. “I was just trying to make conversation,” he reasoned. “So anyways, what happened next?”

“I was walking down the hallway and one of the lockers flies open; happens all the time, though, so at first I wasn’t all that surprised. Not all the kids remember to put their locks on the doors, and so if something falls out the door will fly open, along with whatever other crap they’ve got filled in there. Y’know, I have to pick their stuff up all the time, I deserve a raise.”

“Well, you were the good Samaritan and called 9-1-1,” Brass shrugged.

“Damn right I did,” the janitor replied. “So instead of some kid’s Gameboy or… condoms,” he said, making Sara and Brass both shoot a look at each other. “This kid falls out. First I thought it was just another poor sap that had gotten stuffed in the lockers, y’know, but then I saw the blood. As soon as I noticed the kid was dead I called you guys.”

“And you didn’t touch anything,” Brass said.

“No! I’ve told you, man!” he replied. “How many times do I gotta tell you?”

“Alright, well…” Brass said, squinting to read the name etched on his scrubs with a Sharpie. “Louis, if we have any more questions, can we contact you here?”

“Yeah,” Louis said, wiping his mouth off with his hand. “Sure, whatever… am I done now?”

“Not exactly,” Sara spoke up. “Sir, we’re going to need your clothes.”

Louis quickly turned around, looking over at Sara. “What? No, I’m not stripping in front of no cops.”

“Either you give us the clothes, or you’re going downtown to lock-up, your choice,” Brass cheerfully told him.

After the reluctant janitor handed over his clothes, David came and began to examine the body. “Alright, well… just coming out of rigor,” he observed, “So I’d say dead less than twenty-four hours. Size of the wound is massive,” he told Sara, motioning to the gash on the back of his head. “It looks to be where the most blood came from, but he also has a ton of other injuries and various bruises. We’ll know more after autopsy, but right now it’s looking like blunt-force trauma,” he said.

“From… a fall, maybe?” Sara suggested.

“Look at these,” David said, slowly lifting the victim’s sleeve up. “Ligature marks. I would say it’s a homicide. He was held down or tied up.”

Sara frowned, kneeling down and reaching into the victim’s blood-stained jean pocket. Finding a black leather wallet, she opened it up in search of an ID. “Kid’s a minor,” she sighed. “But no surprises there, I suppose,” she mused. “His name is Kevin Jameson; school ID, lunch tickets… hall passes,” she said, taking out various cards in his wallet. Opening up the little flap inside, she said, “Money’s gone.”

“So either the kid was broke, or…” David trailed off.

“Or someone took it,” Sara said, “Sounds like motive to me.”

Yup! This was by far the best line: “I told you, I’m the goddamn janitor,” the man replied. “See this crap I have on?” he asked him, tugging on his blue scrubs. “I didn’t go to no Macy’s and pick this up, man. It’s uniform.”

I LOVE your Brass, and I loved the way this chapter flowed!
Here's a new chapter :)

Wiping a drop of sweat away from her forehead with her arm, Sara let out a long, tired sigh. She had been at this high school for hours now taking swab after swab of the puddle of blood the victim was lying in order to determine whether or not it was all his back at the lab. The smell was beginning to make her feel a bit light-headed, and she was sure that she wasn’t going to exactly smell like roses either when she got back to the lab.

“You smell like death,” Sara could hear Greg’s voice ringing in her ears.

Lifting up a small plastic bag containing the victim’s wallet and other personal effects, Sara headed out of the building to get some fresh air and to store more evidence. Walking outside she was surprised to see that the sun had started to go down, which only made her realize that she really had been there for as long as she’d guessed. After depositing the evidence bags into the trunk of her car, Sara reached into her kit and took out a water bottle, opening it and gulping it down greedily.

Throwing the empty water bottle into her car, Sara closed up her trunk only in time to see a line of SUVs parking in the school parking lot. Soon the familiar forms of Catherine, Nick and Warrick were visible in the remaining purple-and-orange-tinted sunlight. Crossing her arms over her chest, Sara walked over to them, taking her sunglasses off. “What are you guys doing here?” Sara asked, sounding a bit harsher than she intended to.

“Nice to see you too, Sar,” Nick said with his signature Texan smile.

“Grissom sent us,” Catherine shrugged. “He said you might need a hand.

Sara couldn’t help but feel as though Grissom sent them because he didn’t trust her. This was her case. If he hadn’t have thought she could handle it, then why the hell did he give her the assignment in the first place?

“So ya want to… fill us in?” Warrick asked, shifting the grip he had on the handle of his silver crime-scene kit.

Sara just sighed. “Kid was found dead by the janitor in the hallway. Guy says he fell out of the locker and called 9-1-1 when he saw the blood. The victim’s name was Kevin Jameson,” Sara explained as they walked toward the school. “School ID was found in his pocket. I’m guessing he was a football player judging from his sports jacket.”

“You’re a little quick to judge, aren’t you, Sar?” Nick asked with a small smile as Sara shot him a look.

“That’s a safe assumption,” Catherine shrugged. “So if he was a jock, that might give someone motive.”

“We’re thinking the motive was robbery,” Sara said, “All of his money was missing from his wallet.”

“He could’ve been broke,” Warrick suggested.

“I don’t think so, though,” Nick said, shaking his head. “When you were in high school, were you ever caught without any money?”

“True…” Warrick trailed off.

“Hey, Cath…” Nick said, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “What did you mean by motive being the fact that he was a jock?”

Catherine just smiled a little. “Well, not everyone likes jocks,” she shrugged. “They tend to make other people feel inferior because they’re generally popular and in pretty good physical shape.”

Sara looked over at Nick and Warrick with teasing smiles. “So, uh… you guys weren’t jocks, right?”

“Hell no,” Warrick said. “Like I told Cath- I had thick glasses, big feet…”

Nick shrugged. “I was what you would call average in that field, I suppose.”

“Alright, so anyways,” Catherine said, looking over at Sara. “Where do you need us?” Catherine knew this was Sara’s case, and the second Grissom had suggested they go over to help her she knew Sara was going to be a bit pissed off. Catherine knew that Sara liked to be in charge of her cases, and she didn’t want any help unless she asked for it.

“Nick, Warrick, could you guys go process the locker the victim fell out of?” Sara asked. “Do a thorough scope; fibers, hairs, blood samples, everything.”

“We know how to process a scene, Sar,” Nick smiled, heading off with Warrick.

“Oh hell!” Warrick yelled when he saw the giant puddle of blood. “Someone didn’t like this kid.”

Catherine looked over at Sara with a raised brow. “Where do you need me?”

“Why don’t you—“ Sara paused when she heard voices coming from outside. “…Hang on a minute,” she told Catherine, jogging over to the front of the school.

“Sara, where are you going?” Catherine asked, walking after her.

“Shh…” Sara said, putting her hand up to silence her. “Do you hear that?”

“Hear what?” Catherine asked, shooting her a confused look. But then she heard it, too. Voices, and none of them were familiar to her. “…Sara, I think maybe you should get away from the door,” Catherine advised her. There was a strong possibility that the suspect was still at the scene, seeing how this was a huge campus, or the possibility that the suspect had returned to try and hide the body. Catherine, having already been attacked at a crime-scene, didn’t want to take any chances. “Sara…” she warned.

Sara slowly crept around the corner, keeping one hand trained on her gun. Swallowing her fear, Sara opened the door leading outside, almost screaming when someone ran into her.

“SARA!” Catherine yelled, quickly unholstering her gun and pointing it at the person who had rammed into her.

“Where is he? I have to see Kevin!” the person said. Sara composed herself and finally got a good look at the person. She was another student, Sara thought, judging by her varsity cheerleading outfit. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, staring up at Sara with anxiety.

“This is a crime-scene,” Sara quickly said, re-holstering her weapon. “You can’t be here. You’re going to contaminate the scene…”

“Crime-scene?” the girl whispered. “What…? What happened?”

Sara looked at the girl, swallowing as she prepared to tell her what happened. “We’re investigating a homicide.”

“No…” the girl whispered. “Kevin! No! KEVIN!” she screamed, trying to run past Sara. Sara quickly grabbed the girl around her shoulders, trying to restrain her from trespassing into the scene. “LET ME GO! I HAVE TO SEE KEVIN!”

“He’s not here anymore,” Sara calmly told her. “The coroners came and took his body for autopsy.”

“You don’t understand,” the girl whispered, fresh tears stinging at her eyes. “He’s my boyfriend. I’m Ashley, he… he didn’t ask for me…?” she whispered.

“He was already dead when we got here,” Sara told her. “…I’m sorry for your loss.”

As soon as the girl began to break down in sobs, the doors opened and an officer stepped through the doors, resting his hands on his knees as he panted. “I’m sorry,” he panted, “I tried to… stop her… but… she ran.”

Sara just shook her head at the officer as she led the girl to a bench, completely ignoring Catherine who was staring at her dumbfounded. “Ashley… what’s your last name?” she quietly asked her once she was sitting down.
“I can’t tell you that,” Ashley whispered, shaking her head back and forth.

“Ashley, you can tell me anything…” Sara told her, sitting down beside her. “And the more we know, the faster we can help find who did this to Kevin.”

“No, you… don’t understand,” Ashley whispered, choking down the bile forming in her throat.

“What don’t I understand, Ashley…?” Sara asked.

Ashley wiped her eyes, looking around from side-to-side. “No one… no one else is here, right?” she whispered.

“Just us,” Sara assured her. “Crime-scene investigators and police, but that’s it.”

Ashley nodded slowly, wrapping her arms around herself. “Could we go somewhere else?” she whispered.

“Sure,” Sara told her, slowly getting to her feet. “Let’s, um… walk around,” she suggested, motioning toward the door. As she passed Catherine, Sara told her, “Go help Nick and Warrick with the locker and the blood pool,” as quietly as she could so Ashley couldn’t hear her.

“Blood pool?” Ashley asked, feeling her stomach jerk. Running outside, she emptied the contents of her stomach into the trash can and Sara quickly jogged up behind her, putting a supportive hand on her back.

“Ashley… do you have any idea who could’ve done this?” Sara quietly asked her.

Ashley looked up at Sara, slowly nodding her head. “Yeah… yeah, I do,” she whispered. “But I can’t tell you that.”

“Why not?” Sara asked, puzzled.

“Because they’ll know I told you,” she whispered. “They always know.”

Sara reluctantly nodded slowly in understanding. “Ashley, were you here at the school at all today?”

“Yeah,” Ashley nodded, sniffling. “I went out to the football field for cheerleading practice and then I took a shower in the girl’s locker room,” she told her.

“When was the last time you saw Kevin?” Sara asked her.

“Last night,” Ashley told her. “We went out and saw a movie and then went to dinner. He drove me home and that was it,” she whispered.
Sara nodded slowly. “Thanks,” she told her. “Go get some sleep,” she suggested, turning to walk back into the building.

“Ms. Sidle?” Ashley quickly asked. Sara turned around. “…I’m sorry I can’t help you anymore,” she whispered, “But believe me… by the end of the night, you’re going to be just as terrified as the rest of us.”
You guys... :lol: I wasn't planning on killing Sara :p But now you've planted the seed in my head. You should be ashamed of yourselves :p

Nah, j/k ;) I'll try and update soon! ;)