The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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DaWacko said:
JayneEmilysRealm said:
I can't believe Ducky and I are having a Heineken together :p

:lol: I saw Heineken today at liquer store and I thought of you :p

I can't believe one of my teachers was in my dream again :rolleyes: WHY!? OH WHY!?

HAHAHAHAHAAHAH. Again eh, Ducky? :p

I cant believe that I wont be seeing any of my friends ever again. :( Because I'll be moving to another college so I'll just have one friend left to hang out with. :(
I can't beleive that Im missing them already- considering I saw them over 6 hours ago. *hugs best friend* will miss you!
kazzy said:
DaWacko said:
I can't believe one of my teachers was in my dream again :rolleyes: WHY!? OH WHY!?

HAHAHAHAHAAHAH. Again eh, Ducky? :p

Uh yes :| It's disturbing, really disturbing.

I can't believe that I don't like cherries... am I weird? Feels like everyone else likes those...
Hope you get better, defiantdittohead and Steve_Jobs.

IlovemySNICKERS said:
I can't believe how much i hate my job! I used to LOVE my job!!! Now i hate it, Hate it with a passion!!! If i didn't need an income, i would quit!!
I know the feeling... Why don't you start looking for another job? ;)

WillowsWannaBe, you're not retarded! ;)

never_a_promise, where are you going?
I can't believe my Dad found £25 when he went out for a walk this morning :eek:

I can't believe I have to work on my dissertation today in 30 degree heat *mutters*.
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