The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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sandleissocute, you're not ugly! What happen? Why are you saying that?

I can't believe I'm eating again! There goes my diet!!! :(
RoosCSILover said:
I just can't believe that stupid referee! He can kiss my dutch ass!
*turns around* *moons ref* AND MINE TOO!!! :mad:

I can't believe I keep having a full inbox on my phone!

I can't believe dad has overslept :lol: he's so pissed off right now haha.. oh well, he'll leave in about 15 mins anyway :p I can't be bothered.

I can't believe dad let me go to Doet to search for appartments instead of working on my thesis, mum is so going to kill him :lol: *removes all sharp objects from the house*
Azza4Speed said:
carlz31 said:
I can't believe that Azza can't believe that I can't believe that she can't believe its not butter :lol: (i wonder how long we can keep this going for ;))


I cant beleive that Carlz can't beleive that I can't belive that Carlz can't beleive That I can't beleive its not butter. :lol:
OK, this is going to be confusing...
I can't beleive that Azza can't beleive that I can't believe that she can't beleive that I can't beleive that she can't beleive its not butter. :lol:

woah, this is getting hard...
defiantDittohead said:
i cant believe i got "warned" for having an avatar too big....twice :D
Ohh you too, Dave? :p

I can't believe my upperlegs are so white in contrast to the rest of my body :confused:

I can't believe I missed so many phonecalls today already.. geez, I feel popular :p

I can't believe I still have the same closet for my clothes since I was 7 or so :rolleyes: The doors won't close because it's filled. I need to move :p
I can't believe Netherland's out of the WC.
I can't believe C. Ronaldo may not play against England.
I can't believe he cleand up.
I can't believe my test week is over and I didn't get a bad grade! :D
I can't believe I actually got an 8.1 for math! :eek:
I can't believe someone wrote Jayne a song! Who was it?
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