The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

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Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

Hey guys...I come bearing gifts! :D

I recently bought the 4th season of the show, '21 Jump Street' on dvd, I loved that show when I was a kid, lol...anyway, guess who turned up in an episode called 'Research and Destroy'?

That's right...a very young Wallace Langham. Talk about a shock! :lol: I yelled, "Hodges!!!" at the tv. I've made y'all a couple of screencaps as well.

Here's the first one

and here's the second one.

This episode originally aired in 1990, btw. Enjoy! :D
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!


still the same.. :) aww man he's such a cutie... aww thanks thumpy those are awesoem... hodges baby hogdes all the way

Edit: Screen Stretch.~
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

You're welcome. :D

I thought I'd share the pics here, b/c I think it's always cool to see the actors featured in other roles. Plus I was just so shocked when I realized it was him. I never pay attention to the guest starring credits they put up on the screen during the show. :lol: So I backed it up and sure enough it said, "Wallace Langham".
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

yay... and I saw him in one eppy of Medium... he was wierd in that hmm.. not much like Hodges.. but I'm not complaining.. lol.. :D

thanks again thumpy
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

I've seen Wallace on the tv program "Veronica's closet". He's hilarious in it! :lol: It was a great show.
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

veronicas closet is so hillarious.. oh I wish that would air again... he's so sweet.. everybody knws he's gay except him.. it's so hillarious.. :lol:
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

Last night I was flipping through channels and I saw an episode of Sex and the City where he played her bumbling blind date. Poor Wallace... it was funny, though.

Is it weird that I'm finding him more and more attractive as time goes on? Hodges is one of my favorite characters :)
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

Someone was looking for a thread like this, so bumping up.
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

hey. i was looking for the thread.
he has the funniest attitude. i dont quite find him hot, just hilarious. his attitude caracks me up. i waas looking for where to talk about him. my roomates get upset when i laugh everytime that i see him, and i didnt find this thread until now.
good to be here!
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

what? more than 24 hours and no one has anything to say about hodges?
tonight there is the s4ep suckers on tv. hoges is not in it. i saw him a couple days ago though
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

Hodges is one of my favorite 'labrats'. He is definantly the funniest of them all. Pretty much everytime I see him I laugh, he's cool.
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

before i watch every ep, i check if hodges is in it. just to see his face makes me laugh.
last night i saw 'paper or plastic' in which hodges didnt have any funny lines, but his face made me laugh.
in which eps is he funniest? i think that 4x4,with the sink was hilarious. it was also the first ep that i saw.
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