The Horatio Caine/David Caruso Appreciation Thread

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Re: The Horatio Caine Appreachiation Thread

awwww..does anyone else notice that horatio looks like conan o'brien?? I mean the hair of course..i can't find a good pic, but if anyone watches the conan o'brien show, they know what i'm talking about :lol:

Yeah, both have red hair... damn my obsession to red hair... Means I have to like Conan too. Ah well, Conan kicks ass anyways :D
Both have irish heritage... :devil:
Re: The Horatio Caine Appreachiation Thread

there, and now I have made my point :)
Re: The Horatio Caine Appreachiation Thread

Conan and David. Two of my top 10 favorite guys! lol.

But I have a question. Ok in the movie an officer and a gentlemen. Was david the one they had to do cpr on or whatever. yeah know when the guy couldn't get out of the thing that went into the water. Sorry its been a really really long time since i've seen this movie and i can't remember.
Re: The Horatio Caine Appreachiation Thread

oh yes, i've definately seen him in that movie. Goosshhh, that was such a long time ago, i almost forgot about it !!! :lol:

I can't remember much of his character though....Hmmmm, i wonder if he would look as good as richard gere in the navy uniform?? :rolleyes: ;)
Re: The Horatio Caine Appreachiation Thread

Yep, David's character was the one who nearly drowned! :eek:
Re: The Horatio Caine Appreachiation Thread

Awww! I'm glad he didn't actually though. Thanks for clearing that up for me lucy! You rock!
Re: The Horatio Caine Appreachiation Thread

You're welcome Katie! :)
Re: The Horatio Caine Appreachiation Thread

This pic of Davy is so cute, looks like a Little Rascal :lol: Insy-Winsy Davy :
What's with that star underneath? I hope that's not a rating cos I'll give him a zillion stars..then and now!!Hehe..he has a very cheeky smile!
Re: The Horatio Caine Appreachiation Thread

:lol: cheeky smile..i agree
Re: The Horatio Caine Appreachiation Thread

He was soo cute when he was younger, he still is lol
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