The Full Wallace/Hodges Experience #2

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*giggles*...that was the master plan all along, just glad I could help! LOL, but she will be watched VERY closely around my guy........I can be sure of that!!

I know I'll be awake to watch CSI tonight!! Even if I have to staple my eyelids hope not either....cause I think it would hurt....just a little....

*hopes to see lots of Hodges tonight too* one is fighting over hodges....cause they all know that they will lose to

*can barely contain herself....just an hour and a half to go before new eppy* *hodges better be on*
They'll lose to me :D
We can't talk about the new ep yet, cause it's still spoilerzone (hasn't aired everywhere yet), but what I can say is that I'm a bit worried
:( Oh my, what an episode, I just wanted to give Hodges a great big hug! It's good seeing Hodges showing his softer side :(, but how sad.
...and did we actually see an honest moment between hodges and sara...??? Did he actually show a little hint of emotion?? lol...hmmm...
lol.....did I just read that right?? *rubs eyes and re-reads dizz's post*

poor guy....just trying to do what he thought was right...
*hugz her*....of course he has a heart in there. I mean, come on...he only human....just like greg, gris and everyone else....he may show a tough exterior, but could be completely different on the inside, and just hiding it
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