wow, so many posts in two weeks. It's taken me hours to read through them all... And I'm trying to get my opinion about every bit in so I guess this is going to be a super long post 
I totally agree. Greg didn’t seem impressed by the whole DA thing, and saying to Cath, she forced him to drink wine really doesn’t seem to sound anything like a guy who wanted to be there!! I think Cath knew Greg’s feelings, whether or not they were together, they were well aware of their feelings towards each other, and Cath could definitely see that. A Canon girlfriend would just not be nice… For either of our boys. It’s not worth thinking about. But then again, if it was but there, I agree. BEARD!! Definate beard. I don’t know when Greg dropped his little Sara obsession, but I guess he realised she wasn’t the one he really wanted
OK, I decided now it's just going to take me forever to say everthing about the last 5 pages or so that have happened since I've been away. I've read them all through, but just aren't going to reply to them lol, because I'm just too lazy. I have to say though, I hate the idea of a threesome, just Greg and Nick and that's itI have to say I'm looking forward to reading all these fics
and I have a lot to catch up with from when I was away, which is great
And Lynn, I really like the idea of your fic about Miami, and the kid etc etc. As much as the cheating would upset me, I really like the sound of the storyline you got planned
I really wish I could write a Love fic, but it just doesn't seem to happen. I don't have a problem writing Cath/Sara, so I really don't know why I can't. I just enjoy reading them 
I'm not sure which season I'd say. I agree season 2 is good for Nick/Greg with the scenes you've mentioned, probably the most over the course of the season. I don't know...
I know how you'll feel Nick/Greg-less, but I'm back now
The whole date with the DA I think was kinda a forced thing for Greggo. She was most defiantly into him but he had no interest in her. But heck a free meal is a free meal. I agree with love_fan Cath can see that he did not wanna be with her on the date, and much rather be with Nicky working the case or whatever. So most likely to me they would have been together by then. But in my timeline they got together in season three so it would have been for years thenPish canon girlfriend, even if it does happen just a beard my friends. As for dating other people we know Greggo had a thing for Sara but dropped it like third period french after he learned that she was after Grissom.
I totally agree. Greg didn’t seem impressed by the whole DA thing, and saying to Cath, she forced him to drink wine really doesn’t seem to sound anything like a guy who wanted to be there!! I think Cath knew Greg’s feelings, whether or not they were together, they were well aware of their feelings towards each other, and Cath could definitely see that. A Canon girlfriend would just not be nice… For either of our boys. It’s not worth thinking about. But then again, if it was but there, I agree. BEARD!! Definate beard. I don’t know when Greg dropped his little Sara obsession, but I guess he realised she wasn’t the one he really wanted
I agree with Sara’s_Girl here, I mean, maybe they’d had an argument and it was just like a pissed off with the world evening that made him say it?[/FONTwas shocked when Nick said that dating coworkers is a bad idea. sounds like his talking from personal experiance (what does this mean for Nick & Greg??)
OK, I decided now it's just going to take me forever to say everthing about the last 5 pages or so that have happened since I've been away. I've read them all through, but just aren't going to reply to them lol, because I'm just too lazy. I have to say though, I hate the idea of a threesome, just Greg and Nick and that's itI have to say I'm looking forward to reading all these fics
And Lynn, I really like the idea of your fic about Miami, and the kid etc etc. As much as the cheating would upset me, I really like the sound of the storyline you got planned
I'm not sure which season I'd say. I agree season 2 is good for Nick/Greg with the scenes you've mentioned, probably the most over the course of the season. I don't know...
I know how you'll feel Nick/Greg-less, but I'm back now