Hello all...
Well hasn't the Fort been a busy place? Anyone notice that the site was down yesturday???
Well regarding titles etc- yeah its Nick and Greg, but in real life I like Wojo prefer Eric and George.:drool::thumbsup:
My quest- to aid my recovery is to watch all of CSI in reverse order lol. So im watching season 7, just watched upto Fannysmackin' (well the one after that)
When i was watching Fannysmackin' Catherine hesitated and said a female? You all recall that??? She so knows about Greg's sexuality.
Watching my poor Greggo get beaten up is a challenge for me, I hate, hate, hate seeing my Greggo hurt.
I mean how on earth can Demetris James' mother say he was a good boy... Hello!!! When Greg rolled up in his SVU he had to decide to either help or let the poor person die. Clearly his mother is under the impression that her son is a good boy, im sorry I dont really like the James's family- maybe my eyes didn't see that Demetris picked up a rock and was gonna kill that man with it....
He stopped turned around and run directly towards Greg.
So Greg saved that man's life...
I think Greg is a hero-. Poor Ol' Nick trying to battle on, when all he wants to do is go see Greg.
After that they grew closer- maybe after Grissom saw Greg in the hospital- maybe he was honest enough to tell his mother about his job and about Nick.
Hahahaha Greg on the phone to a woman- i think it might've been his mother/best female friend from childhood.... Don't ask me why, I just think that way lol. Maybe because he is trying to make ol' Nick jealous- or for Nick to see Greg.
Well hasn't the Fort been a busy place? Anyone notice that the site was down yesturday???
Well regarding titles etc- yeah its Nick and Greg, but in real life I like Wojo prefer Eric and George.:drool::thumbsup:
My quest- to aid my recovery is to watch all of CSI in reverse order lol. So im watching season 7, just watched upto Fannysmackin' (well the one after that)
When i was watching Fannysmackin' Catherine hesitated and said a female? You all recall that??? She so knows about Greg's sexuality.
Watching my poor Greggo get beaten up is a challenge for me, I hate, hate, hate seeing my Greggo hurt.
I mean how on earth can Demetris James' mother say he was a good boy... Hello!!! When Greg rolled up in his SVU he had to decide to either help or let the poor person die. Clearly his mother is under the impression that her son is a good boy, im sorry I dont really like the James's family- maybe my eyes didn't see that Demetris picked up a rock and was gonna kill that man with it....
He stopped turned around and run directly towards Greg.
So Greg saved that man's life...
I think Greg is a hero-. Poor Ol' Nick trying to battle on, when all he wants to do is go see Greg.

After that they grew closer- maybe after Grissom saw Greg in the hospital- maybe he was honest enough to tell his mother about his job and about Nick.
Hahahaha Greg on the phone to a woman- i think it might've been his mother/best female friend from childhood.... Don't ask me why, I just think that way lol. Maybe because he is trying to make ol' Nick jealous- or for Nick to see Greg.

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