Well looking at it from your point of view, eight years is a long time, but remember if your dealing with your sexuality as well, then eight years can seem like a dip in the ocean. I know gay or bi people that it has taken them years and I mean years to come out....
Everyone is different, but as this is TV land.... LOL Dont be suprised thought that Nick and Greg havent even gone past first base yet.
(I'm so liking that idea!)
I think that Catherine knows of Nicks sexuality, look in that episode Drops? Catherine was smearking at Nick's butt action lol.
The scene opens with Catherine smirking down at Nick.
Sara had her suspicions about Greg from early on, but in the diner scene "Declaration of love" Sara not only smirks at Greg, but she also grins at Nick... As if to say "yeah boys i know, just get it on allready!)
However this
and this
speaks volumes, that maybe just maybe both men have reached an understanding....
Both men might be frightend in declaring their love for each other.... It can and does happen even in the gay and bisexual community...
Bubbles I can see what your saying... Maybe they're in denial of thier own feelings, but they know about the other man's love.
But regardless look at the the final picture, if thats not love then i dont know what is.
Regarding season eight... Well Bubbles, I dont know... Maybe TPTB want us to keep on guessing about their status, but are keen on us to know their sexuality.
There is a few love moments, or love scenes or even episodes... Bull comes to mind, A LA Cart is another one... When both men test their theory of the murder with Grissoms help... Sad that in A la Cart, all three love shippers was present... The love, GSR and YOBlin!
This season I would say and season One and two were the strongest love scenes to date.