Hit and Run
Maybe, just maybe either Nick and Greg have had an argument and that's why he asks this girl out or..
Greg has told Nick he loves him or wants to tell everyone about them and Nick is completely freaked. He loves Greg but doesn't want to out them and tell all and sundry about there personal lives. He's worried about the reaction of everyone, the lab, the cops, his family. So he pushes Greg away and asks this girl out. Except instead of trying to change his feelings he realises he loves Greg and so Nick shouts it from the rooftops that he loves Mr Sanders.... then my heart explodes.
Aweh I really like this idea. I would squee myself to death if this happened. I am really trying to keep my optimism up but that's tricky whenever my mom tries to drill into my head that 'Nick is the farthest thing from gay.' Gee, isn't my mother observant? Yeah, you might begin to notice I rant about my mom. It's what I do.
Anywho...I don't like the idea of a threesome, as more than one person mentioned, Nick is Greg's and Greg is Nick's. That's the way it's meant to be. I'm starting to be okay with the gf situation because of all the great scenarios all of you have come up with involving Greg's jealousy. I'm getting awfully excited for Thursday's episode. Oh, it's only Monday....