The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

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Ok - so I have a request. I was asked to do some Greg/Nick stuff for a request over at my LJ. I will of course post them here if you would like when I am done and over at wet paint. What I am asking for from all of you - is your fav Nick/Greg caps. You can post the links or PM them to me. Thanks so much!

My favorite Greg/Nick caps? There are many N/G pics that I love.... here are some of them:

Because you can tell he's in love with him:


Because he told him "I Love You" in "Abracadaver". Yes, our ship is canon since season three! :D


Because he's blushing here:


Because he can keep his hands off his Greggo:


If there were any closer here, they'd be kissing:


And if they were any closer here, they'd be...:censored:


Hope this helps you CSI_Kat :)
Nick and Greg's first date, if it was on the show. I think their first would be not all extravagant, you know, maybe just a dinner together or something, and they end up having to solve a case together or something.

Their first date? Hm, well, an idea just crossed my mind and as always it's extremely cheesy, so beware ...

Ok, the team has got a very difficult case and it's Nick's and Greg's night off, Warrick or Cath need help and call Nick on his mobile phone. We see him take the call, he's in a fancy restaurant, all dressed up (but not over the top). Warrick/ Cath apologize for the call in. "I know it's a special night but we could really need your help. So tell Sanders and get here ASAP."
Just then we see Greg coming back from the bathroom, all dressed up too. He looks at Nick, who's still on the phone, with his beautiful eyes. Nick realizes he's back, looks up and their eyes meet. We can see that they are both not very happy about the call, but Greg waves for the waiter. He looks at Nick and tells him "Maybe some other time" in a rather quiet (sad) voice. Nick looks at him and says, "Do you have plans tomorrow?" Greg's face lights up

and that was my idea of a perfect first date. Well, except for the call ...

Something like this will of course never happen. Another way to get them together on a date on the show, hm, maybe they're working together on a case and Greg's looking over the evidence. Nick comes into the room, Greg doesn't notice 'cause he's so focused on the evidence. Nick carefully touches Greg's arm/ shoulder not to scare him. Greg looks up and Nick asks, "Our date still stands?" Greg smiles and says, "Sure, breakfast after shift!" Nick smiles back and leaves the room. :eek:

See, this way, it could be read as a harmless after shift breakfast, but we would know it's not, because Nick just came to the lab to ask about their date and said nothing about the evidence!!:thumbsup:

See i think that the second one would be so suitable for the love yes?
The reason why I said it- is because the flirting and everything else has been full of subtextual moments- too many to rememeber, but this the date can be easily interpretated as a breakfast thingie after shift, or really a date.

Of course us fans will know that finally Nick and Greg have gone on their date.

Or even just drop the whole 'date' word and Nick does indeed make contact with Greg and reminds him about breakfast

Greg would say something like "yeah cool" he'll mention the time, smile and reply "its a date..."

Then the last scene would be pans to Nick as he enters the diner, big smile on his face.

"Sorry I'm late."

"Thanks ok... Hard day at the office?"

"Like you wouldn't believe"

Then the camera pans out and sees Nick sitting opposite Greg as they order their food. Roll camera.

Hey guys!!!!

Interesting changes around here. :p

Just under a month until new episodes, and I can't wait. There's really nothing I watch. *sighs*

Are we still going to do our live discussions, because that would be awesome. We have a live thread at my Nuke site. Maybe we can have a live thread. (Cause that little gabbly box is a pain in the ass.)

What do you guys think?
Heyy everyone! I happen to be new here (I've been browsing this thread for a while, though) and I must say that I absolutely adore The Love. Nick and Greg are the cutest couple I've seen on tv for the longest time. As many people have pointed out, the subtext does not lie.
I actually convinced one of my close friends that Greg and Nick have something going on. At first she didn't believe it, but then her resolve crumbled. xD
I personally can't wait for the newest episode (April seems so far away right now!) and I'm wondering if TPTB are going to give us more entertaining Greg/Nick moments. I still haven't seen Scuba Doobie-Doo, and that episode (so I've heard) is one of the highest sexual tension episodes for our boys.
Can't wait to watch it sometime soon, though, if Spike ever decides to play it.
Heyy everyone! I happen to be new here (I've been browsing this thread for a while, though) and I must say that I absolutely adore The Love. Nick and Greg are the cutest couple I've seen on tv for the longest time. As many people have pointed out, the subtext does not lie.

Welcome to The Fort (of Love) my_last_chance!:thumbsup:

You're right, the evidence never lies, and a co-worker never looks at you like this unless he's (more than) interested:

Can't wait for new episodes too, as a lot have pointed out, we have discussed everything to death already. But since you're new, when did you realize that there was something going on between our boys? I really can't remember when I did, I just read a thread on a QaF board and thought, wow, that's so true, they really have a lot of chemistry.:eek::

The way they talk to each other, they are so comfortable around each other, then there was the constant touching (at least in earlier seasons) and just sparks when they were around each other. I kinda miss those times when it used to be funnier, but then again after what happened to both of them ... it's understandable that they changed not just in appearance.

Or even just drop the whole 'date' word and Nick does indeed make contact with Greg and reminds him about breakfast

Greg would say something like "yeah cool" he'll mention the time, smile and reply "its a date..."

Then the last scene would be pans to Nick as he enters the diner, big smile on his face.

"Sorry I'm late."

"Thanks ok... Hard day at the office?"

"Like you wouldn't believe"

Then the camera pans out and sees Nick sitting opposite Greg as they order their food. Roll camera.

Oh, candygirl, your idea is even better, I'm such a sucker for romance:D
Can't wait for new episodes too, as a lot have pointed out, we have discussed everything to death already. But since you're new, when did you realize that there was something going on between our boys? I really can't remember when I did, I just read a thread on a QaF board and thought, wow, that's so true, they really have a lot of chemistry.:eek::

Hmm, well, I was looking around this board and came upon this thread. At first I was, well to be honest, shocked at the thought. My Nicky, gay? But then, as I read posts and watched the episodes, my thoughts on the subject changed. How could I have not seen it?
And I totally agree with you, they have a lot of chemistry. It's adorable.
Can't wait for new episodes too, as a lot have pointed out, we have discussed everything to death already. But since you're new, when did you realize that there was something going on between our boys? I really can't remember when I did, I just read a thread on a QaF board and thought, wow, that's so true, they really have a lot of chemistry.:eek::

Hmm, well, I was looking around this board and came upon this thread. At first I was, well to be honest, shocked at the thought. My Nicky, gay? But then, as I read posts and watched the episodes, my thoughts on the subject changed. How could I have not seen it?
And I totally agree with you, they have a lot of chemistry. It's adorable.

Oh the chemistry. And also the sexual tension you can cut with a knife as they say. I wasn't really turned onto the love until I started searching CSI stuff online and the ship popped up.The more evidence I saw the more I loved it. Also I was always suspicious of how close Nick gets to Greg in the lab all the time in the early seasons. Speaking of which. I love that pic. The look on Greg's face is so cute.

Welcome my_last_chance!!!!!

I was once like you in that I was shocked that Nicky could be gay. I actually came upon the Nick/ Greg thread on just to see what is was all about. I always thought Greg was bi or bi-curious but never thought Nicky was gay.

That makes me wonder for those who didnt see The Love from the start, did you think one of the boys was bi or gay at least (like me)? Did you fall for the ladies man persona? or were you a believer that Nicky was bi or gay and Greggo was more of a shock?

I know hiw most if not all of you think about the boys sexuality. And that this is a subject that has been brought up a lot, but curious still. My mom saw Nicky as gay from the get go but isnt buying Greg's bi-sexuality. Strange I know.

And yes Twins I do hope we continue with the discussions we had on the show and the boys on Thurs. I so miss that!

One last thing any lurkers/viewrs of this thread that havent posted, please say hi! And dont be afraid if you have questions, like why we see The Love! :);)
Welcome my_last_chance!!!!!

I was once like you in that I was shocked that Nicky could be gay. I actually came upon the Nick/ Greg thread on just to see what is was all about. I always thought Greg was bi or bi-curious but never thought Nicky was gay.

That makes me wonder for those who didnt see The Love from the start, did you think one of the boys was bi or gay at least (like me)? Did you fall for the ladies man persona? or were you a believer that Nicky was bi or gay and Greggo was more of a shock?

I know hiw most if not all of you think about the boys sexuality. And that this is a subject that has been brought up a lot, but curious still. My mom saw Nicky as gay from the get go but isnt buying Greg's bi-sexuality. Strange I know.

And yes Twins I do hope we continue with the discussions we had on the show and the boys on Thurs. I so miss that!

One last thing any lurkers/viewrs of this thread that havent posted, please say hi! And dont be afraid if you have questions, like why we see The Love! :);)

First of Welcome to My last Chance- hope your stay here at the fort is good and join in.. Remember a minimum of 3 lines per post is acceptable on this site. So sit back and enjoy!! Also remember that this board some posters are as young as 11

Well continuing from where OTL left off, for me, I knew Nick Stokes ladies man- was and is in fact Gay. The act didn’t fool me. I saw the chemistry between Nick and Greg from the first time I watched it..:drool:

To be honest, I laughed at the idea of Nick being a ladies man- because there are some gay people like Nick who are a ladies man but it’s a faux display. :guffaw:
Just because Nick treats women with respect doesn’t mean that he’s a horrible person.:vulcan:

Greg on the other hand, nope I knew he was bisexual or open minded to say the least. Why? For starters Greg does seem to be more flexible in his thoughts and actions… Or what he says at least

Remember the time when they all went to a BBW convention?? Greg after the case was completed, he was reading up about Chubby Chasers and larger women. That, in itself is a display of curiosity or having an open mind to all things. Also another example is when Greg was talking to Grissom about switchers and Dom’s - probably connected to a case concerning Lady Heather.

Remember the look Greg received form Grissom when he informed him, that he knew what a switcher was.

MsCatherineBrown- I hear you hon. I’m not going to name names, not on the site- but if people want to know which other sites, then please just message me.

I thought that I was the only one who could see the truth- but I’m not so that’s all that really matters! :thumbsup:

It was all the subtext between the two men that got me watching all of the CSI seasons, seriously it was!!!! I guess after I saw the GSR hints and canon stuff, I also saw the YoBlin bits as well and the Love

Like I’ve said before, doing that kind of job- they’d all be glad to get a little personal time with some one special. :cool:
Welcome to the fort My last Chance! When I first stared watching CSI I didn't even consider one or both were gay/bi or together other than friends. the first time I even discovered that people out ther thought it was when I was doing a web search on Eric and came across Sillie's artwork of Nick & Greg being very friendly. I was shocked and totally against it at first but later I discovered slash fic but at first I didn't read Nick & Greg but read some Grissom & Greg because I thought it would be funny, turned out to be more of a turn on than funny, eventually I started reading Nick/Greg fic and fell in love with The Love. I still have a place in my heart for Gris/Greg though but Nick & Greg are front and center. I re-watched old episodes and understood what everyone else in the N/G world saw.
Welcome to The Fort, my_last_chance!

When did I realize that there were something on between our boys? The first time I saw them together in a scene. I was watching this scene in the lab from "Scuba Doobie Doo" and I thought to myself: "Who are these two and what's going on between them?" The way Greg is getting closer and closer to Nick here...Their chemistry together just oozed off the screen! :devil:





And when Nick said:"Leggo My Greggo" while Greg was waving him from the hall...well, in that moment, I fell in love with The Love. It was easy; they are the cutest couple ever!


I'm pretty spoiled since then :lol:
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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!
I'm still waiting to see Scuba Doobie Doo and I don't know when it'll be on next, but it seems like one interesting episode.
I watched Bad Words today and it has the infamous, "Thanks Doll," comment from Nicky. Well well well.
When I saw the scene I actually smiled to myself. I would finally be able to see some subtext in action. The looks those two exchanged. :eek:
One adorable pair right there.
Hey everyone! Thanks for all the caps you posted or sent to me via pm. I hope to soon have some goodies I can share with you all in here! Yes - I agree these 2 do make a cute couple!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!
I'm still waiting to see Scuba Doobie Doo and I don't know when it'll be on next, but it seems like one interesting episode.
I watched Bad Words today and it has the infamous, "Thanks Doll," comment from Nicky. Well well well.
When I saw the scene I actually smiled to myself. I would finally be able to see some subtext in action. The looks those two exchanged. :eek:
One adorable pair right there.

Watched that ep yesterday too. Love it it. They play off each other so well. That scene makes me all tingly. HHEhhee. Heres some caps for ya alls enjoyment.



Definitely one of the cuter moments between the two. You can so tell that Nick is totally interested in Greg (and vice versa, of course ;)). Their body language tells all.
I lovers it. xD
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