The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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bacon_on_a_bun said:
Holy crap, do you have any idea how long it took me to get here? I had to stop posting a while ago and now I'm back and its, like 4 threads later! But I'm here now and I've missed it so!

I know how you feel! I had to quit during the semester :( but once those exams were finished, I was back! :lol:
Hey Love lovers :)

Did we get any interaction between the boys in last night's episode? I heard tell of a very cute Greg scene where he talks about Brass and his suits and the fact that he'd be scared (or something to that effect) is he saw Brass in a sweater :D :lol: (such a Greg thing to say - squee) But did we get anything between the boys???

I'm still riding high from their adorable scene in "Up In Smoke" (it just aired here on Tuesday night) SO CUTE! Nick was totally thinking "Baby, quit showing me your moves when we're in work - you know I can't resist you..." :devil:
Yea, the Greg scene was really cute, but I didn't see the whole ep., so I don't know if there was a cute scene...I've been really CSI deprived lately.
I almost felt like TPTB/Writers made Greg out to look foolish about the whole Brass and his suits thing.But now that I watched it a second time, I see it differently. Greg did have a tearful look in his eyes (slightly but it was there) so I guess humor is is way of coping.
I was all around dissapointed in the finale though. It did not meet up to the hype.
Serenity said:
Kelly, those pics made my heart soar! So very beautiful!

And finally I can come on and say that chapter 12 - Black dog on my shoulder - is now up (the board was down before)
:eek: omg i swear if greg hooks up with john agen i'll do something drastic lol
heartagram69 said:
:eek: omg i swear if greg hooks up with john agen i'll do something drastic lol

I wouldn't worry, I wouldn't want to have to thwack Serenity with my stick, and then though I could use it on Nick, him tempting thought......

I'm just glad I can get on the boards again, after wading through all the GSR, but I'm glad they have finally done something with it instead this constant limbo

And eventhough our boys didn't have any scenes last night. But the overall season brought back the love for me so much. From the wave, to the breath control play, and picnics and flirting in the Lab again, twice, and of course the walk in the desert, (Shout Out) talking about porn. I the whole episode that was supposed to prove their "straighness" which ended of being a "Oh they are so Gay" episod, love my boys, you do realize that over half of their scenes this season were discussing sex or porn. Gotta love them. I so cant't wait for next season now.

Yes, I know Seabird, after this whole year again with the flirting again, staring again, it feels like it always has, the chemistry is still there, so subtle, yet always there like a candle steadily burning bright, constant. I better stop before I get too sappy

De-lurking here. I just to join back in and let people here know that even though I never post here, I really have enojoyed reading everyone's posts, and the pictures of our boys, and all the wonderful n/g stories that I've read as of late. I decided to post because I was really dissapointed with the finale last night (and most of this season actually), and I am really close to not watching season 7, nick and greg are the only reason I will keep watching. I just felt like I really needed to tell you that I enjoyed reading this thread, and say thank you.
Our boys didn't really have a scene together last night, unless you squint real hard (I think Greg glanced at Nick during the "fan club" bit :p). I was filling in the blanks for Greg's pondering about Brass in sweaters though. "I just assumed -" he says about Grissom and Brass hanging out, so I filled in in my mind with something slashy about how he and Nick "hang out" and are close like Grissom and Brass. Apparently closer.

I do have one question about the episode though... whatever happened to the "no cell phones in the hospital" rule?

CosmicFish, please come back and join us for more of The Love!
Wow I haven't been here in a bit! :lol:

Anyway I've come here to beg for some help. I need a Beta but its not for a N/G story. I'm doing a project on gay rights and for the creative part of my project I wrote a little short story that I need some help tweeking. So anyone willing to volunteer I'd appreciate it so much! :D There's just one small catch the project is due Monday so I need this done asap. Leave a note here or PM me if you can help. Thanks in advance! :)
Morning guys!

*dodges Kelly's stick*

The next chapter - If you tolerate this - is up now. Chapter 13, unlucky for some......

And I'm pleased about GSR just for the fact that it clears the path for our ship even more!
Serenity said:

*dodges Kelly's stick*

The next chapter - If you tolerate this - is up now. Chapter 13, unlucky for some......

And I'm pleased about GSR just for the fact that it clears the path for our ship even more!

You can run but you can't hide girl. But you know me, I love my angst,but if they don't end up together and happy, you do know that I will hunt you down and kill you
, but you know it's all done from love.

Geez, I'm just gonna stay down here and out of the way. I know there are numerous Snickers down here too, but that's the problem with having your heart set on a ship.

Just helps with my little thought that Nick and Greg went home and lived happily ever after and don't plan on coming out of their house until next fall, oh and only getting dressed to answer the door for takeout, um, naked Nick and Greg, takeout, yum,

Serenity said:

And I'm pleased about GSR just for the fact that it clears the path for our ship even more!

Yeah, next it's Warrick & Catherine. That just leaves Nick & Greg - of course we know they are already doin' it!! (they just hide it well from the others but not us!) :lol: :lol:
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