The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions *updated 10-05

Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions*upd.04-05-Please R

Im back with another question. Does anybody have/know of some good tuts for blending? [PSP]
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions*upd.04-05-Please R

i just posted a couple of tuts if anyones interested.
they can be found here
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions*upd.04-05-Please R

Aaaaaalright, for those who are already itching to open their photoshop or whatever and don't wanna wait *counts* 15 more days:


Thanks to Ducky and Sophia aka shazza, who kindly volunteered to run this challenge, you can now join the

Icon Challenge #29: Supernatural

Have fun! :)
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions*upd.04-05-Please R

^ hehe thanks for that Vera! :)

I have a question: does anyone have/know of any good tuts for banner making using GIMP?!...I'm okay at banner making but there's always room for improvement!
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions*upd.04-05-Please R

^ Sorry, no idea.

But I have another question: Does anyone know where I can find brushes of the outline of a dead body? You know, the ones you see on the ground where the dead body was found....
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions*upd.04-05-Please R

heres a pretty good tut for gimp, you can also try looking around here
cathwillows, something like this for a brush maybe?
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions*upd.04-05-Please R

thanks Ashley! :D that helped! :D
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Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions*upd.04-05-Please R

For the first time I post here a question... :)

Ok, I use the most of the time Photoshop CS2 to make icons.

Accepted, I have myself one psd. file loaded from the Internet - do I have then the possibility of changing the base (picture) ?? :confused:
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions*upd.04-05-Please R

yes, its really easy just start off with a new base and then open your psd file. then you can drag the layer from the psd'd layer pallete to your new base. you do it one layer ata time or all at once by selcting the bottom layer(the 1st in the pallete you want to use)holding select, and then selecting the last layer your going to use(this will select all the layers in between) and then you just drag it to your base. i hope that makes sense ha.
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions*upd.04-05-Please R

Thanks for the great explain and the fast help, fo_poozle !
I try an attempt and it works ! :) :thumbsup:

It really easy since I know the way to change the base !
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions*upd.04-05-Please R

your welcome! i'm just glad it made sense ha, i have a tendency to not make any sense sometimes
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions*upd.04-05-Please R

in Photoshop CS3

Tutorial here