the engagement (simmers and snickers rp open to all)

Nick laughed and placed his hand up in the air defensivley, "Hey, I didn't say anything." he started. "So how you gonna do it?"
"Well I was." started Nick as he looked at Greg, "Reading the paper. But seeing as you took it." he finished with a smirk.
greg chewed the apple and thinking to himself that this day was going to be the best day of his life, he was deep in thought and never even heard his girlfriend call his name "greg, greg" wendy said with a smile, she broke his concentration "oh hey" he stood up and kissing her "you ready to go" asked wendy "yeah", greg felt his pockets, he must have dropped something very important and was paniced
Nick noticed this and cleared his throat, "Hey, Greg." he started. "I forgot uh..Grissom wanted you to sign a few papers on your way out. There in his office." he said, trying to give his friend a reason to leave and find what he was looking for.
greg smiled "why thank you nick" he said with a blink "i nearly forgot, to sign those papers excuse me wendy", wendy smiled and greg stared into her eyes "are you going to sign them greg" she said with a laughs, he shook his head "oh yeah the r...apers" wendy looked at him and lowerd a eyebrow "the papers about the rapers" he looked at nick and sighed "ill be back you can stay and keep nick comapany", greg rushed to his locker lookin for the very special "thing"
(sorry ladies I was gone actually I'll be rather busy this weekend so i'll be slow in responding but I'll do my best
SpeedMonkey you can still be Nick ,Amanda is more of a Sandle I dont think she'll want to do it her and I are good friends though and she uses Snicker as a lifeboat so I thought i'd ask
anyways no worries you're still Nick)

Sara smirked then turned to Nick "You should have told him about where You proposed to me ,that was pretty romantic,but then again you're a pretty romantic guy" she looked at Wendy, Wendy also knew about her and Nick and the baby "So Nick and I went to an ultrasound today we know the sex of the baby You wanna see"