I wonder if this really is going to be CSI's last season....
There may be fans who are still enjoying it, but the ratings are still dropping.
This episode was better than I expected, but there were some things I disliked or that felt over the top for me. It wasn't terrible though and I'm glad it wasn't entirely predictable, like I assumed it would be.
However.... I’m struggling to figure out how to respond to the Brass/Ellie stuff. It was an interesting twist...but still....I’m also questioning whether this was really in character for Ellie. she was angry with Brass (and, in some ways, her mom too) for a long time, and was portrayed as a cold and kinda selfish person for the most part, even when Brass tried to help her out/recconnect with her, but she never came off to me as someone who could be a killer, and her overall relationship with Brass felt more complicated. In “Way to Go”, back in season 6, she especially showed that she had a human side. Sure, it was brief, but it was still there, when she showed concern for her father in the hospital. I don’t know, maybe I’m just feeling deeply sad for Brass

....I think I should rematch those episodes again. It was shocking, either way, and Major Kudos to Paul’s acting!!! The scene when his ex dies and he finds out the truth was especially gut wrenching

In terms of Morgan's abduction/being rescued, I still liked the Morgan/Ecklie stuff, one of her much better storylines IMO. Although the hospital scene was kinda lacking, and didn’t feel like a particularly touching moment like their scene together in “Karma to Burn”, when Ecklie got shot. Or maybe I was just too annoyed that the writers kept putting Morgan in peril and giving her too much focus :lol:, kudos to Hodges for pointing out the ridiculous undercover plot:
"She's a CSI, what was she doing going undercover"?
I'm relieved Morgan didn't die though, but I still think they should tone her down after this. PLEASE, Pretty Please Writers???
The pacing wasn’t that great, it felt a little choppy at times, and I was expecting more intrigue from the whole Dante’s Inferno theme in the murders. The clues being left around had potential, but somehow, it didn't quite grab my interest as much as I thought it would. The genetic code thing, and the part about synthetic DNA was interesting though.
I guess it was a little like the Fisher King in “Criminal Minds” Crumbs, except, I liked the whole quest/puzzle thing they were following much better. lol.
I also agree with you, this episode, again, lacked the old team effort to rescue one of their own which, while no surprise, was still a disappointment. It was one of the many things that made “Grave Danger” So good. I really miss the family vibe/team cohesion in CSI, and I don’t know if they'll ever bring it back this season.