~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 3 aka 'HC/DC!'~

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How much do I love you guys :lol: An absolute feast to come home to....it's almost worth doing a full day of work....to come back and find the new pics :D

*sitting down to type due to weakness about the knees!!*
Yep, count me in! :D *grabs pillows - feather ones, of course!*

Thanks Casper for all those great pictures. I adore the WPDF one from 'Nothing To Lose'. Aw. Poor H. :(
*grabs pillows - feather ones, of course!*

I love pillows...

you know what... we should have a pillow fight... :lol:
Yeah I'm not too bad a shot with the old pillow! ;)

Pow!! :lol:

Yeah that Nothing to lose pic is awesome...what I wouldn't give to be Susie :p
I'd rather be Yelina :D anyways I have brought my pillow- is there any room left, and I have brought some wine, orange juice and some cookies as well as pizza, oh and Horatio said that he'll pop in later- as soon as he's finished in my shower ;)
Well I'll brigh the chanmapgne and the strawberrys...

ohh here comes H, in just a towel(sp?)...

H,you want some champagne and strawberrys..?
oh and Horatio said that he'll pop in later- as soon as he's finished in my shower
LMAO :lol:

Suddenly remembering NYPD shower scene screencaps! Mmmmmm bare chest! :lol:
Ok...the whole sunnie thing get on my....ok dang it I look at those pictures and and and Ok i love him! You guys happy now you converted me. lol.
Saint H...I like that but I prefer to call him Super H or H man super man H man....I dunno...i've had alot of moutain dew today I'm hyper! I need more piccies!
Ok...the whole sunnie thing get on my....ok dang it I look at those pictures and and and Ok i love him! You guys happy now you converted me. lol.
Yay, Katie! Yes, that makes me very happy! There's so much lovable, cool goodness wrapped up in H, it was surely only a matter of time! :D

...and not forgetting the asskickingness too! :devil: Gotta love that man!
Well i'm glad I made you happy! :D

And here's a piccie because um....wel just because I can

And roll theme music!

Cool! :cool: 'Murder In A Flash' - loved that episode! Thanks for the pic. That reminds me. I've got a nice Speed pic for you which I'll post later in the Speed thread. Got to do something far less interesting right now. :( Life gets in the way again. *sigh*
*snaps head up* A Speedy pic for me...awww..Lucy your to kind.

Oh man I went to the mall the other day. And me and my friend were trying on all these sunnies and we found a pair that looked simialir to horatio's and we started doing the head to the side thing and the hands on hips thing. And the sales guy comes over and he's like "ok horatio's." it was hilarious.
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