~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/DC!'~

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Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

Dontcha Thumpsy try to take my pleasure away from me

:lol: I would never dream of doing that, Ducky!

^:lol: :lol:

And thank you all :D I love to take those screencaps.. tho...you should see some what I delete...sometimes when you just keep clicking... you get some daaaamn mad faces :lol: :lol:

Those are wonderful screencaps Ducky, I think the `DAMN' one is my favourite - his eyes are soooo blue in that one it’s beautiful.
^I had to write there "DAMN" because I didn't have anything smart to say. It was my only thought when I looked at that pic :devil:

Ducky, I love your captions that go with the caps! (especially the 'What are these?' ) Great pics - thank you!

I think putting pics like that

1) you are more excited "ooo..I wonder what kind of pic this is"
2) I have terrible need to be funny/clown/smartass :lol:
3) If no one else is having fun... at least I am :lol:
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

Aww...Am I too late to wish Lucy Goodbye? *thinks* I think I'll do that Telepathically! *shuts eyes and thinks hard!*

DONE! Hope she got that! :D.

I Love the caps Ducky. My fave would have to be the one where he's reaching his hands out. Don't you feel tempted to just grab em! *nods!* CoriluvsH, Lizzy_Sanders has done some great job on your avvy and siggy. Wonderful stuff! :). I better get started on pictures!! :lol:..


Shirt is wee bit tight there.. :devil: Don't think too much ladies[and lads]..


Hello? CSI Files? Yes, I'd like to invite all the fans there to my private party. Yes. All of them.
Looking at YOU!!
Hands AND Sunnies.. :lol:
Hmm...That final scene made me........SmiLe!!
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

ohh.. did someone say something about a party?!?!? yay I love parties :D :lol: especially if H'll be ther.. :lol:
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

2) I have terrible need to be funny/clown/smartass
3) If no one else is having fun... at least I am
:lol: I do enjoy the captions with the pictures, so your not alone having fun Ducky :D

*sticks hand up* yay Party, I`ll bring the snacks. :lol:
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

*oik!?* Where's the Party!? Don't tell me everybody left! Lets get it started back!! :lol:
Even he's looking around for his beloved fans.. :D. He seems to want it to be a perfectly hygienic party! :lol: Naww! He's kidding! Cos he's got ready a Mo-Hawk style to impress you. Haha! :lol: So pop open those snacks and grab them Punch drink and let the party begin!
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

:lol: I love the Mo-Hawk one, there great! :D
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

Casp you rock!!!
great pics!! loved the "kidding" one. will probably b my new avvy :D
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

:lol: So do I! Yer Welcome Tink. :). And for all who are very much interested in exploring more HC/DC stuff [..of course, I'm quite sure everyone here are..] here is a website with some awesome pics and info.
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

Yeah, loved those, the 'kidding' one is great, I have it on my wallpaper!! Gotta love that chuckle!
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

:). Yer Welcome Olly and Footyliz. He has a very nice grin..makes me grin too all the time! It'll look great in an avvy! Yeah. *nods* :)
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

those are gorgeous Casp... but I couldn't see the

"..fans.. :D . He seems to want ..."

Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

awww...puppydog face.. wanna hug him...awwww

*closes eyes and gives DC a hug*
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