The Craziness Continues-Caption Contest 2

Twinkletoes said:
Hawkes: Hey! Who's biting my butt?

That was the toughest one to chose from!!!

Mac: Why is there a photo of Horatio only in his boxers on your computer.
Calleigh: It's a sick, sick joke done Delko. If you think that's bad you should see the shot of Tripp only wearing Horation's sunglasses.
Mac: My god, you guys in Miami are frigging weird. I am so glad I live in NY. Here, have my sandwich too. I lost my appetite(sp).
Calleigh: *thinking* Haha works every time. Sucker.
Calleigh: You New Yorkers know how to have fun. I wish Horatio'd keep some olive oil around for us to play with.

Mac: I'm glad I installed that hidden camera. I knew Flack and Danny would steal the olive oil while I was gone.
Mac: Carwash Soap?
Calliegh: Olive oil?
Mac: Danny and Flack are using our prized possesions.
Calliegh: They're going to have bad Karma.
Mac: Do you believe the stuff that goes on in that show?
Calleigh: How does any crime get solved in Las Vegas?
Mac: Good point. Nick is kidnapped and buried, Greg is almost blown up, Sara drinks a lot, and they work for that lousy boss, Ecklie.
Calleigh: I'm glad it is only make believe. Not like our lives.
Calleigh: Look Mac, I'm trying to keep calm here, but if you don't take your hand off my thigh in ten seconds I'm gonna start yelling...
Mac> No, move right... choose that... click there... I said THERE!
Calleigh> Mac, if you wanna play CSI:Dark Motiv alone, just let me know...
Dynamo1 said:
Mac: Do you believe the stuff that goes on in that show?
Calleigh: How does any crime get solved in Las Vegas?
Mac: Good point. Nick is kidnapped and buried, Greg is almost blown up, Sara drinks a lot, and they work for that lousy boss, Ecklie.
Calleigh: I'm glad it is only make believe. Not like our lives.

That caught my attention... Since LV is my fave CSI among the 3.

Flack: Did city hall forget to pay the electric bill again?

=== or ===

Mac: I know we don't turn on the lights at a crime scene until we process the evidence, but here in the break room?
Mac: What exactly WERE you and Danny doing in that closet?
Flack: You don't wanna know
Mac: Is that MY olive oil?
Flack: Uhoh

Flack: Wow, check it out...
Mac: Wow that shirt really shows off Stella's rack
Flack: Oh I was looking at Danny's butt...
Flack - "These new energy saving lightbulbs are a nice idea, but I hate the colour!"

Mac - "Tell me about it - you should see the men's room!"
*posing for passport photo*
Flack> I can narrow my eyebrows better than you.
Mac> I trust you: yours are twice as mine...