The Craziness Continues-Caption Contest 2

(this is for the Mac and Flack one)

Mac "Good work Flack, Danny's totally mesmerised by your tie. Keep him that way until I've finished with the magic marker!"

and for the Stella/Mac/Hawkes.

Stella "Okay guys, these are the locations where I've hidden all Flack's ties. Promise me you won't tell him."
Stella: What's that?
Mac: Secret hideouts...those fangirls are taking all my strength and leaving none for you. So I figure we can hide from them...I got plenty of olive oil already there.
Hawkes: *glances at camera* Uh-oh, looks like Flack and Danny found one of the hideouts...
^^ good one :lol:

Stella: Quick Mac, take them off of the board or else Hawkes will know what we're up to!
Hawkes: *Laughing* How stupid do you think I am! You keep the olive oil in Mac's office and you guys are missing for half the day anyway!
Stella - "Ok - Mac, you start from this point here"
Mac - "Check"
Stella - "Hawkes, this is your starting point here"
Hawkes - "Gotcha"
Stella - "I'm starting out from the lab which means we should all reach Flacks apartment at the same time to burn those godawful ties!" :lol:
ka990 said:
Stella - "Ok - Mac, you start from this point here"
Mac - "Check"
Stella - "Hawkes, this is your starting point here"
Hawkes - "Gotcha"
Stella - "I'm starting out from the lab which means we should all reach Flacks apartment at the same time to burn those godawful ties!" :lol:

The ties need to burn! :lol:

Mac: Okay the olive oil is hidden here and here.
Stella: Didn't Danny and Flack find that one?
Hawkes: they must have. I found them in the supply closet
over there.
ka990 said:
Stella - "Ok - Mac, you start from this point here"
Mac - "Check"
Stella - "Hawkes, this is your starting point here"
Hawkes - "Gotcha"
Stella - "I'm starting out from the lab which means we should all reach Flacks apartment at the same time to burn those godawful ties!" :lol:

Stella: Damn, Flack. That tie is ugghhhh-leeeeee.

=== or ===

Stella: If my hair got any curlier, my hairdresser will quit.

=== or ===

Stella: Why can't they carry baklava in the vending machine?
Hawkes: Sid, put this back in your creepy zone.

=== or ===

Hawkes: Watch me make balloon animals from this.
Stella one: I knew someone was using our olive oil, I just didn't know it was Danny and Flack. Tell 'em to find their own supply!

Hawkes one: Uh, Mac...I think Flack and Danny are getting into your olive oil again...

Hawkes: Here...I'll gladly let you enter me in the "Find the real Dr.McDreamy contest
Hawkes - "Now, see - I knew my origami skills would come in handy sometime - look at this pwetty lickle red birdy I just made!" :lol: