The Craziness Continues-Caption Contest 2

Mac: No, A1 not D3 dammit! I wanted that coffee crisp chocolate bar!
Danny: *off screen* Oo, coffee crisp....and the last one too!
Mac: Now pay close attention. With the proper force I will push off of this machine and go directly into the moon walk.
Stella: (To Peyton) You should see hime do this in his socks and underwear.
Peyton: Tell me about it.
MAC banging vending machine*: *bam* I--*bam*-- want--*bam*-- my --*bam*-- damn --*bam*-- quarter --*bam*-- back --*bam*-- you --*bam bam bam*


MAC *grumbles*: Whoever put this prehistoric slot machine's gonna pay. *shouts* Where's the button to fire on this damn thing?

PASSING WOMAN: You're pushing the left button.


MAC: Breathe, dammit!
STELLA (off-screen): :rolleyes: Doing CPR on the coffee machine again?
MAC: I need my caffeine! Now work with me!!
Mac (pushing machine against the wall) "There, now Danny and Flack will never be able to use mine and Stella's broom closet again!"

Stella (off screen) "How do you think we'll be able to get in, now?

Mac - "Oh, s*&t!" :lol:
Dynamo1 said:
Mac: Stupid video game ate my last quarter. Now I will never beat Sid's high score.

Lindsey: Oh no you didn't!
Stella: *off screen* But I didn't...
Lindsey: Don't go there girlfriend! *snaps fingers*