"The Chick Chop Flick Shop" Discussion *SPOILERS*

a lot of people seem to complain that there wasn't enough of their favorite characters in last night's ep. being a crazy Grissom and Sara fan myself, their absence didn't bother me yesterday. if every single episode had the exact same amount of every character in it it would seem forced and eventually it would get boring. i know that some people love Greg, some love Warrick etc, but dudes, you can't have them on screen all the time. the show has a big cast and exploiting some characters more than the others in certain episodes is not something y'all should keep complaining about.

i'm not the biggest Ronnie fan, but after TCCFS she started to grow on me. i loved how chilling this episode was and b/c it was the rookie (with no gun) in danger i felt her fear so much more. and i actually believed they could kill her off. if it was Cath, i'd know she'd be ok. but Ronnie? god help her.

like i said, the humor and suspense were so great that i was enjoying it even without my favorite characters. and let me tell you, if i enojoy an ep with 50% scenes including Ronnie, it means that the quality of it was uberhigh.
For me it was not the lack of my favorite characters. There were some funny parts - I will give it that. However - overall it just did not grab my attention. I found myself bored through most of it.
I loved this episode. I absolutely cracked up at Hodges comment about Wendy. LOL!! Priceless.

And Catherine and Dicky's conversation had me ROFL!! I loved it when Catherine broke out into hysterical laughter.

So far this is my favorite episode of season 8.
It was a pretty funny eppi! I loved catherine and dicky's conversation! and hodges comments about wendy! OMG! But like when Ronnie went into the set alone, during a storm, I was like, OMG OMG OMG NONONO MY knees curled up snacking on more candy then ever. HAHA I am such a loser
When Ronnie came back and dead bodies (or dying guy) start to pop everywhere, I was sure that they're filming her (Stan was very impress with her... hum... assets) without her knowledge to add realism in their movies.

I was very surprised when I realised that they were really been shot and/or dead :eek:
Okay, never in my life have I looked at a CSI episode and complained that it was just plain bad... until tonight. Maybe it's because I hate anything to do with horror movies, but to me this was a very, very poor story trumped up to look like a Halloween parody. Parodies work when there's real meat under the skin. This was just skin, and it tasted bad. Maybe it would have been better if, instead of going for an actual dangerous situation at the end, Ronnie just had a horror movie-style freakout due to the atmosphere of the place (when it was actually a rat causing all the sounds, or something), and then got ragged on by everyone in the lab for it.

Speaking of whom, could Ronnie be any more of a Mary Sue at this point? I never make that accusation about TV characters... I hate how it always seems to be a female character on television shows that fans begin to rip apart... but this was an incredibly blatant case, having that director go on and on about how gorgeous she is and how perfect her skin is and he could build an empire of blood around her and whatever... and her standing there completely dead-eyed in reaction. The perfect woman... because she acts like a plastic doll. I weep for the female gender.

I must say, as much as I've disliked MH's forays into plastic surgery, when the little person talked about licking her legs standing up (FUNNY!) and she laughed in that incredulous, "Oh my God, did he really just say that?" way and her defenses cracked a tiny bit, I thought for the first time since the fifth season that she looked GORGEOUS - young and vibrant. It reminded me of the bold, intense, confident Catherine that I loved in the first and second seasons. Now that woman I can see getting hit on way, way into her fifties.

I will admit that the lab rat scene and the end scene were funny.

I'm calling it now: Greg is still totally in love with Sara. That look he gave her when she laughed at his "Good thing you weren't in a movie, then" comment was really good - kudos, ES. I have to say, I never thought of him as sexy until the seventh season, and it always seems to be his scenes with JF that bring it out for me. I think I could have been a Sandles shipper... if the show hadn't been building up to GSR from its second episode, that is.

Anyway - yeah. Bad, bad episode. But after the stellar nature of last season, I'll forgive them this. At least it was bad because it tried to do stuff, and not just because cast and crew were going through the procedure (heh) of solving a murder case since that 9:00 slot on Thursday has to be filled with something.

I'm loving that CSI is continuing with all the artistic chances that they took last season. That said, does it remind anybody else of the M*A*S*H run?
Wow, I'm surprised there are so many people that didn't like this episode.

I loved it. Horror movies never scare me, horror tv episodes never scare me, but THIS scared me! :lol:

I don't know Ronnie well enough yet to love her or hate her. She doesn't annoy me all that much. I mean, in the first ep when they had her annoying Sara, that to me was kind of cute, they were probably just looking for a funny way to introduce the character. Like purejoylove said, if they had killed her off I would have been extremely disappointed, even if I did hate her because it would have been a recycled storyline, and when you recycle your material that's when I lose respect for the show, which I am not ready to do yet (if ever) for CSI.

I really wasn't expecting to like the case. I thought it was gonna be one of those weird ones that I just didn't get into. It was weird, but I got into it. The ending, when it turned out to just be an accident was a little disappointing, but for the most part, I enjoyed it.

Favourite Brass line had to be, "Yeah, a lot of guys tell me that." ;)

And the Sara/Greg scene was nice. It was a little short, and I suppose it disrupted the flow a little bit, and when it ended I was like, "that's it?!", but I'm glad they at least did it. I've learned that lately you can't trust TPTB to do that, follow through. They've laid the seeds for Jorja's exit, and I thought it was done very well. And that's so true, brunettes are always the ones that die. I better not end up in a horror movie anytime soon. :rolleyes: ;)
I liked this episode. Some good Brass stuff, which is always a bonus. And a couple great scenes with Super Dave and Doc Robbins.

My big issue though, and I will be honest and open about this as a huge Billy Petersen fan - is that I think it would have been awesome if it'd been a Cath and Gris episode.

Shame Billy decided to take this one off! The quirky episodes work the best imo when he is in them. His demenour and facial acting (does that make sense??!) work so well with this stuff. He's an actor that can portray so much with just a look, more than anyone else. And that really works in these style of episodes.

Him and Cath together would have been amazing in it, it would have made it a CSI classic. So instead of a CSI classic - it's just a good entertaining episode, that lacked a bit.
I cant believe a lot of fans didn't like that episode i thought it was a lot better than the opener now that was bad... 45 minutes of Sara Sidle... Sorry not a sarah fan, but this episode was soo funny....

Yes it was a halloween style parxody that is why its soo funny..

The bit where Ronnie and the killers finally met face to face was classic!!! Just out off the worst cheesiest slasher movies....

Way good. I might be in the minority but lol i dont care...

But i wouldn've liked more Greg scenes...
MissDee said:I must say, as much as I've disliked MH's forays into plastic surgery. . .

I thought these ugly old rumors had finally gone away. Take a look at Marg's some photos of Marg's mom. She is older and heavier, but her face still looks young. Marg has very good genes and takes very good care of herself.
I know other women with similar ethnic background and facial structure and they have held up very well over the years. Marg has said repeatedly that she has not had any work done.
I hope that it's ignorance and not bitter jealousy that makes you imply that Marg is not telling the truth.
ok, I liked this episode, but it wasn't as good as i thought it might be.

I thought it would be more of a funny eppy, from the commercial, but it was more serious than I thought.

I liked the lab rats, and wendy's horror film scene, LOL. And Doc and superdave's scenes. Also Catherine was really great, she had some funny lines. "don't call me pooky" :lol:

Also, Brass was great as usual. Him sitting down between the two guys, just watching the show.

I liked Nicks comment about actors watching their weight. He looks like he lost some weight himself, that was probably an inside joke.

Looks like Grissom has no purpose in this eppy, since there wasn't any GSR. I think that is the first episode since 'Way to go' air with out any. This storyline is him and sara's only purpose on the show now...

Oh Ronnie...

Its not that she is a bad character, its just the actress can't act that well, and she has no personality. The irony of her statement about horror movies with girls being chased with their boobs hanging out was showcased later, when her obviously fake boobs were hanging out, while being chased in the warehouse. Not to mention she is really stupid, leaving your phone at a crime scene like that? why not put it back into your pocket??! gah, I want to see some smart females here, not ones that are hired to look pretty. Plus I hate when half way through the episode, one of the csi's disappears, what happened to Nick?

Ok, did anyone else notice the irony of Sara's comment about slasher movies? I sure did. She states how the blondes always survives, but the brunettes gets killed. In the episode, the movie star in the slasher movies, who gets killed in everyone was blonde. And she got killed in real life. Plus, I don't think the writers have seen a slasher movie recently, but I have seen everyone (i live for those movies), and i have seen plenty of blonde girls get hacked to pieces. And I have seen lots of brunettes kick butt and survive (a la Hostel 2, in fact there wasn't really a blonde girl in that film). I guess the writers were trying to make that scene relevent for the episode, but it didn't even make sense.

And its super awsome to see sara super happy now that she is finally with Grissom.

I think this episode started out really good, but about half way it lost its spark. The case was pretty good though. 100 times better than the premier, by far.

oh, and i liked the lines of all the ways that girl was killed in her movies. Strangled by her own intestines! Brilliant, would love to see that in Hostel 3 (if they make it, here is hoping)
Veze said:
When Ronnie came back and dead bodies (or dying guy) start to pop everywhere, I was sure that they're filming her (Stan was very impress with her... hum... assets) without her knowledge to add realism in their movies.

I was very surprised when I realised that they were really been shot and/or dead :eek:

I was thinking the same thing at one point....I was expecting the producer guy....I can't remember his name, the wacky one, I was expecting him to pop out and yell "that's a wrap!" lol
CSI_Kat said:
For me it was not the lack of my favorite characters. There were some funny parts - I will give it that. However - overall it just did not grab my attention. I found myself bored through most of it.

thing with me is, I didn't find it boring, despite the strongest character in CSI, not being in it (apart from one pointless scene).

It's just that the episode could have been so much more. If it'd been Grissom and Cath leading, it'd been a classic. It was made for those two, but they chose not to go that route. Much to do I suspect with filming schedules, with Bill Petersen filming the crossover episodes.

It's a pitty, cos it had so much promise this episode, but fell short in a way because it didn't have Petersen taking the lead alongside Marg. The episode was weaker for having weaker characters leading it (apart from Cath and Brass, both of whom where great as always). It just didn't shout out as much as it promised to do so. Still good and enjoyable though, saved by the qurikyness for sure. Just that missing ingredient...
MissDee, I don't think Greg is still in love with Sara. He think he is, but he is not. He care about her. They are good friends. Greg know Sara will never be his. Sara have and alway will been in love with Grissom. Sara laugh at his joke, sometime, not all the time.

O/T- If Jorja does come back as a guest, Sara will come back for Grissom, not Greg or Nick.

Back on Topic, The writer think Slasher alway killed the burnett, I watch scary movie, Blondes and Burnett does get killed in the movie. They need to watch the scary movie.
Well the murdered actress was blonde and, according to "Stan", She actually died on many occasions