Bumping thread. Here in the states, Thanksgiving will be celebrated in a couple of days.

From WKRP in Cincinnati:

LOL Dynamo I love that pic!

My favorite thing about Thanksgiving, well besides getting to hang out with people that I like, is watching the Macy Thanksgiving Day Parade. Though I do wonder if the Broadway shows will be in it since the stagehand strike is still going on. I really hopw that doesn't have an effect, my younger counsins like the singing and dacning a lot.

What is eveyone else's favorite things or things about Thanksgiving?
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I get lucky I am not doing the work this year (well as of this moment I am not) :lol: we shall see. :D
Just popping in to wish everyone south of the border a Happy Thanksgiving :) I hope you all have a safe and happy day.
:)Happy Thanksgiving everybody. :)

Stay safe guys

Rest up for balck friday...those who are actually crazy enough to go out and shop tomrrow like me :D
I hope everyone had a happy (but safe) holiday. :)

wolfesgamergirl said:
What is eveyone else's favorite things or things about Thanksgiving?

Even though I played World of Warcraft through part, and then slept through the rest of the parade, that was one of my favorite things, as I never really care about the food (I don't like turkey). I always liked the giant Snoopy float: (last years)


babylon5girl said:
Rest up for balck friday...those who are actually crazy enough to go out and shop tomrrow like me :D

I did that...once. Went to a Kmart at opening time in the was crazy O_O I do plan to go somewhere tomorrow, but it will be in the afternoon (if we don't end up going Saturday).
I had probably the most interesting Thanksgiving of my life so far today.

My family went to NY to have thanksgiving with my sister she couldn't make it up here, so we had to cook quite a bit of dinner in her dorm room. While we were cooking someone else burned beef and the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate just under 20 people in the building and we were on the 16th floor and since we weren't sure of what happened we got to walk down 16 flights of steps. That wasn't actually that bad. Definitely one for the memories.
I liked seeing WP at the MTD Parade. That was cool. Though my sister had to wake me up and tell me he was on, I was still asleep. XP