Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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That´s a legend that he broke his thumb while filming "Evil Knievel". He actually broke his thumb as a kid playing Evil Knievel. I think I just read this yesterday somewhere here on the site or over at Texan Charm. Yeah I think it was on Texan Charm in a interview with him. ;)
Yeah, it's even stated on IMDB, despite the fact that it's wrong. I've tried to get them to take off all the incorrect facts thay have on there (like Monica being a Canadian nurse? WRONG!) but they won't seem to do it. Weird.
NSF2 {whats ur name?} Who's AC?

BabaOReilly I thought IMDB has where you can rewrite the info?

Happy birthday happy_me_111! Sorry I don't have any hot Nick pics on me, but. :D I'm sure he wishes you one too!
Yes, you can send in corrections, but I've done it twice now and the changes have never been made.
yes AC stand for Anderson Cooper, my other cutie pie, i love George first though, then Adriano moreas, then Anderson Cooper, then some others come after that, but yeah :D

oh and I know how IMDB has a lot of info that is incorrect, but it is good to know the real stories :D

ooh and a slight spoiler for season seven:

in a news article I got via email, it said that the new season will focus on the long lasting effects nick being buried alive had on him, so there going to continue the story line, that's good because I started to get worried that Nicky's story lines would be snipped down with all this other stuff going on.

so yeah, that made me a bit happy :D
^Wow, I was feeling kinda odd too when they decide to quiet down Nick's trauma in season 6. I can't wait for the next season. ;)

Hopefully, they will at least make one episode of nick centric next season. Would love to see him dealing all the feelings after being buried alive.
yeah because I have said this before I only watch CSI for GE, so hopefully next season we will get enough of Nick, cause I love him :D


also in the same article they said that there will be a story line with Warrick and Nick and how something will happen to bring them closer as friends, so I will be looking for that next season

so that's that :D

Could you tell us the source of the spoiler info from you e-mail? Thats the first I've heard of it, and just wanted to know where it came from. I've read all the press tour stuff and this gives me a lot of hope, since nothing coming out of it has even hinted ta that. PM if you want since I know some people don't want to read anything to do with the season.

nicksarafan2 said:
yes AC stand for Anderson Cooper, my other cutie pie, i love George first though, then Adriano moreas, then Anderson Cooper, then some others come after that, but yeah :D

oh and I know how IMDB has a lot of info that is incorrect, but it is good to know the real stories :D

ooh and a slight spoiler for season seven:

in a news article I got via email, it said that the new season will focus on the long lasting effects nick being buried alive had on him, so there going to continue the story line, that's good because I started to get worried that Nicky's story lines would be snipped down with all this other stuff going on.

so yeah, that made me a bit happy :D
I am sort of looking forward to the effects it had on Nick as long as it doesn't have him getting upset and doing strange things.
And i didn't think that thumb thing was true, it sounds stupid having a nurse follow you every where.
And at the Premier he was fine.

~Edited: To block slips of spoiler fragments.~
Hey everyone while the spoiler code is nice to have for little things, the problem is when the discussion starts on it, little things you wouldn't think could seem like a spoiler could actually. Folks put two and two together and come up with being spoiled.

This is why we have the spoiler lab at the top of the forum, so that those who want to stay spoiler free may do so, and those who don't can go into the lab. :) Thanks. :)
OK change subject, since it is Nick's Birthday on the 17th, what would you buy him as a present?
Remember Nick not George!
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