Tell Me Who, Who


Still Sanity Challenged!
Premium Member
Would you like to see re-occur on the show more? & Why?
I am Not talking about the Regular stars.
I am talking about those we only get to see every so often, but not nearly enough.

If you use Real names, Please add the character they play.

(Yes i got sneaky there with the song) :lol:
For cops I'd like to see move of Vega, I've always liked him.

For the lab I'd like to see more of Hodges. I seem to be in the minority here but I adore Hodges, he's so funny and cartoonish. Then, I think more of Bobby-can't help but to like that goofy cuteness, then Jacqui-I've always liked her character and it was hilarious when she lost her bet with Greg and had to wear that stupid hat all day.
I would like to see more of Jacki. She is always so much fun, and she can give as good as she gets with Greg and the other CSI's. And of course I would like to see Lady Heather come back. She was interesting, and dark and intelligent, and fasinicated Grissom. Both shows she was on were some of my favorites. I would love to see more of both of these characters.

Archie's the man i wanna seemore of him. he always cracks me up whenever i look at him for some reason even when he's not being funny.
i reallie like Jaci too i like how her and Catherine are around each other they seem to have a good time.
it's weird to see people that have guest starred on CSI on other shows b/c you know them just from CSI. has anyone ever noticed how they kinda get passed around on other CBS shows or other crime shows? i was watching "Medium" last week and a lot of people from CSI were on it. Hodges, Jaci, and the woman from "Table Stakes" that was going to the rich people's houses with her brother. also the guy that played Punky Dillinger from the magician ep of CSI was on "Medium" this past Monday.

...But I'm not Asian so...yeah. :eek:

I would LOVE to see more of Archie! He's so cute! I'd love to have him speak Tagolog or Chinese or whatever he is. Just a Komosta or Moshi Moshi would do!

Jacqui Franco needs more limelight! She has to get back at Greg for making her wear that turban! STEAL HIS BLUE HAWAIIAN AND DON'T LET HIM GET IT BACK TIL HE SAYS MOSHI MOSHI!

*Gets dragged off to rehab to get rid of sugar addiction.* :D
I would like to see a recurring villain on one of the three series. Someone like Wo fat on Hawaii Five-0 or Dr. Miguelito Loveless on The Wild Wild West. Paul Millander, played by Matt O'Toole, would have been good at this, but died in his thrid appearance. Or was he? Could he come back? Or maybe a twin? Or can they create a new recurring villain for one of the other series.
Archie. He's a cool cat and Asians without stereotypes are really underrepresented on TV. His character is also interesting. He's like an A/V geek, but not so geeky.
Hands down, ARCHIE!! I love Archie. He just adds another element to the show...

Either him or David (the young coroner) he has some funny moments with Grissom and I think he'd be fun..

But definitely Archie!!
LMFAO I loved David in that one ep with the clown they find dead and david is there with Catherine, i love this line.

Catherine: What's up, David? You find something?
David: I was just thinking that I wouldn't be caught dead in those shorts.

:lol: :lol:
I do not recall the lady's name at this point in time but she is always called in to do the facial make up on all unknowns. I think her name is Terry ? But she and Gris always seem to have something going! There is a connection there. I would also have to say more of Lady Heather because she gives Gris such come backs and its funny just watching his reactions.
Posted by izhvit:
I do not recall the lady's name at this point in time but she is always called in to do the facial make up on all unknowns. I think her name is Terry ? But she and Gris always seem to have something going! There is a connection there. I would also have to say more of Lady Heather because she gives Gris such come backs and its funny just watching his reactions.

Do you mean Terry Miller from season 1? The blonde anthrologist. Yeah, I really liked her, and I loved her first scene ever, when she walked into Grissom's office when he was playing with is tarantula, and he was all like "You don't have to be scared he won't hurt you" and she was like "Of course now," and then rattled on all of these things about them, and then asked if she could hold it, he was in awe, but she was on in season 3 for a show, and was married by that point to someone else. I really liked her, and Grissom really seemed taken by her.

Posted by PaintMeInLatex:

...But I'm not Asian so...yeah. :eek:

I would LOVE to see more of Archie! He's so cute! I'd love to have him speak Tagolog or Chinese or whatever he is. Just a Komosta or Moshi Moshi would do!

LAUGHING MY BUTT OFF here. i`m asian..well Filipino. but..i am stereotyped as having "asian pride" and trying to be ghetto. nope, not me..i`m sorry. i have very few other asian friends but more white friends...i guess you could call me "coconut". i`m brown outside white inside, HAHA. ok enough about me, back to the topic.

i have NO IDEA what Archie is. my opinion, he`s either Filipino or Korean.

i would LOVEEEEE to see more Lady Heather! she brought a lot to her episodes.
