Talk LIMS #8: Final Results!

Re: Talk LIMS #8: Comeback Challenge - Now Up!

great, i read your message too late... :(
i cant enter anymore, can i? :(
Re: Talk LIMS #8: Comeback Challenge - Now Up!

^ depends on how fast you can make an icon. It'll be another hour or two before I get voting up. Just let me know if you're going to try to get one in.
Re: Talk LIMS #8: Comeback Challenge -Voting!

Comeback Challenge Voting

We'll be bringing back three icon makers. That means two with the most votes and a mods choice, unless there's a tie, in which case I'll just do top 3 :)

Voting Rules:
~ Absolutely anyone may vote!
~ Please don't vote for your own icon.
~ Vote for the 3 icons of best quality
~ Reasons/Comments are highly encouraged :)
~ If you wish to leave constructive comments for those (or some of those) that you didn't vote for, you may do so.


Re: Talk LIMS #8: Comeback Challenge - Now Up!

08 - Love the picture behind him.
02- Nice coloring and font.
01- very creative.
Re: Talk LIMS #8: Comeback Challenge - Now Up!

08: Very original! It was a very good idea to use a picture of Paris (well, I suppose it is... we can see the eiffel tower!) since he's living there now :)

02: It's very nice overall, nice frame, coloring, font...

07: Nice coloring too, the way it highlights the subject

A constructive thing for (almost) everyone: beware with the saturation... it has to be the right value... too much (or too less) makes the icon look weird :) (but that's my opinion... don't get mad at me)
Re: Talk LIMS #8: Comeback Challenge - Now Up!



#3: The icon looks good, but the coloring is really harsh. You can not see the side of of his face it almost completely looks dark. The icon is also way too sharp, you can fade the sharpening so it's not so dramatic. Be careful when coloring icons, the same coloring does not work on every picture, experiment with coloring. Also I don't really get the concept of tiny text, I'd think you would want to put something on there to catch someone's eye not something so small you can barely see it :confused:

#5: What drew me away from this one was the font, it's of poor quality, it blends into the picture and the font at the bottom is hard to make out (or it might be tiny text). Either download higher quality fonts from sites like or etc or look into using fonts other than the Microsoft/Apple etc preset fonts, most of those are not good enough quality to use on artwork. Plus if you have photoshop, look into rastorizing the fonts you'd be surprised how much better they look with that done.
Re: Talk LIMS #8: Comeback Challenge - Now Up!

02 - Love the frame and the colouring, just love it all.
01 - Love the effect you've used, goes really well with the pic.
08 - Really nice effect and colouring.
Re: Talk LIMS #8: Comeback Challenge - Now Up!

01 - love the composition
04 - great coloring and crop
06 - the coloring is soft and not overpowering

Good luck all! :)
Re: Talk LIMS #8: Comeback Challenge - Now Up!

06 - I like the crop, and the colouring is lovely.

04 - Although the colouring is a bit strong (it could just be my monitor) I like the sharpness and the crop. It does stand out from the crowd.

08 - Very creative, the Eiffel tower is a nice touch. I like the use of negative space.
Re: Talk LIMS #8: Comeback Challenge - Now Up!

03 - i like the tiny text and color. maybe its a bit oversharped, but i DO love this icon!
01 - really great icon! with the blood and frame...just cool!
06 - nice coloring!

i missed it...welll :( :(
Re: Talk LIMS #8: Comeback Challenge - Now Up!

01 - I like everything about this icon!
08 - Nice idea
03 - Nice coloring, but I have to agree, it is oversaturated. Grissom's face is way too dark. Maybe using a curves layer might have helped.
Re: Talk LIMS #8: Comeback Challenge - Now Up!

01 - very creative
02 - like the frame and the font
03 - I absolutely love the crop. The tiny text would've worked better if it was an addition of a bit of real text, just one readable letter would've been enough.
Re: Talk LIMS #8: Comeback Challenge - Now Up!

08: I just love the whole thing. The texture behind him is awesome and it blends and fits in really well.
06: I like the colouring.
02: Nice font.