[T3] Wallpaper Challenge #36: Leading Ladies ~ Now Open!

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Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #25: No People ~ Now Open!

Imageshack's acting all funny... I'll send in my entries whenever it decides to work again :)
Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #25: No People!

This isn't promising, guys. Entries so far:

Beginner: 4
Intermediate: 1
Advanced: 0

Obviously, this isn't nearly enough for even one category :(

That's pretty few. But 5 for one category would be okay in the worst case. Have you an update on the entry number?
Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #25: No People!

Ah, well, since you asked so nicely ;) Here's an update on numbers:

Beginners: 6
Intermediate: 1
Advanced: 8

That's enough for one category, but not really enough for two. Would still love to get some more!

I'm going to extend the deadline to Friday, April 18th.
Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #25: No People!

I can try to attempt 1 or 2. I'm not that good at walls, but you asked so nicely, Meg. :)

ETA: I have sent mine in.
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Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #25: No People!

thanks for the update :)

well, i try to do a second entry beside the stuff I've got to do for school
Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #25: No People!

I'm sorry that I won't be able to send a second one in 'till this evening. I hope we have enough entries anyway :)
Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #25: No People!

Wow, RL just got sooo busy on my end I couldn't find the time to do a second and third one. I am really sorry Megan, especially because I promised I would enter more, but I am just lacking any sort of spare time. :(
Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #25: No People!

Wallpaper Challenge #25: No People: Voting

Voting Rules:
1] Don't vote for yourself. It's tacky. Also, don't tell anyone which one is yours, or that they should vote for them.
2] Vote for three in each category. Vote for your favorite first, then second favorite, then third. It is very important that you do it this way.
*3] If you entered, please vote. Don't be worried about voting agianst yourself, everyone else is!
4] Please be sure to look at ALL of them before choosing! Click the thumbnails to enlarge the images.
5] Voting will close on Monday, April 21st, so please get your votes in before then! I absolutely cannot extend the voting on this one!

After much considering, I've decided to put all the entries into one category. Technically, there was enough for two, but they would have been very small.

01 02 03 04
05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24

**If your entry is missing, please let me know ASAP!!**

Good luck!
Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #25: No People!

Wow! That's a lot of entries to choose from! :D
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