Survivor? We Call It Camping ~ Canadian Thread #5

Hey everyone! Just wanted to give a shout to all the Canadians here since I am also Canadian. It's great to see how many Canadian CSI Fans dominate the site haha! ;) I live in Ontario. As for the weather, I think a lot of people were mortified here in toronto when two weeks ago it snowed like it was winter and then disappeared.
Great to see you in here CSINYAddict! Here in Manitoba, it's cool and rainy. It's supposed to get really warm in the next few days, and then the temperature is supposed to drop again, and they also said something about 5-10 cm of snow before the end of the week *shudders* it's just not fair. We finally got rid of all our snow :scream:

I'm here in Northen Manitoba (originally from Northen Ontario) and it's snowing...again. Though I'm sure it'll melt tomorrow and turn into slush
Welcome to the Canadian thread Bellafibs
I'm from Southern Ontario where it is going to be a fabulous weekend. Sunny and hot. Of course with these types of temperatures we have the risk of thunderstorms :eek: So pull up a camp cot, grab yourself a Timmys and have some good Canadian Fun :)
Glad to see you found your way here, Bellafibs :) I've been waiting and waiting for spring to get here. We've had one or two nice days, but mostly it's still fairly cold. For some reason it just doesn't seem to want to get warm this year :( It's driving me crazy.
Where's that Global Warming they're always talking about? Seems to be missing Canada. :p

Snowed here in my part of Alberta yesterday -- granted most of it's already melted but it's still bloody cold outside. I'm a little (okay a lot) jealous that my parents are heading to BC on Sunday; they're staying at a golf resort of some kind. I can't remember the exact area they're heading to but I hear it's supposed to be beautiful over there. *sigh*

Oh and welcome, Bellafibs, CSINYAddict and Axelsonfire! :D It's great to have lots more Canadians around. :)
Hmmm.... with all these new Canadian members showing up, maybe we'll be able to get some life back in this thread. It would be a shame to get 5 threads and then see it die :(

Any suggestions for a good discussion topic?
What's your favourite thing to buy from Tim Horton's?

I like anything. :lol: (Except Iced Caps and coffee.) Donuts, soup, sandwhiches, bagels. xD But usually I get a chocolate angel donut. I'm not sure what they'd be called everywhere else, even in the next town over they're called something different. The ones with the white filling inside and chocolate on top. xD

Oh and since the weather topic always seems to be popular, down here on Lake Erie (as southern Ontario as you can get) it is 25 degrees. :eek: It's freaking hot! And it's been about 7 degrees and raining the whole week, until today.
aw snow still? thats really unfortunate... :p it had better be gone for my triumphant return to canada!

the other night we were playing cranium, and i had to draw the great lakes with my eyes closed. so i tried drawing ontario and that didnt work out so well, my brother thought it was florida or italy! when i was doing it i thought i was spot on, turns out ontario is hard to draw with your eyes closed :lol:
allmaple it's only snowing in Manitoba and Alberta :) sorry about the Meg and Geni :D here in the some what sunny southern Ontario it's 17C at the moment :) Saturday is suppose to be 24C. The temperatures for the next two weeks look like a yo-yo :D up and down, up and down but for the most part near seasonal. I'll put a word in for the weather gods for you to make sure we have a freak snow storm for when you're coming home :lol:
17 C? Good Lord, here it's about -4. It's been like that the past week, and I think Thursday or Friday night, it snowed. Rather heavily o_O

luf100, my favorite thing from Timmies would be...a large double-double and a blueberry bagel, toasted with butter.:drool:
hmmm lets see favourite thing from timmy hoes... i would have to go with the tim bits. I have always loved the idea of tim bits there perfect. Your hungry for a doughnut, but you dont want a full one cua your on that diet, so what do you do, instead of drinking an awful protein shake, why you run on down to tim Hortons and grab some Tim Bits... a beautiful sight, if i might be so bold.
Timbits are good ^^

Ek! It's May and it's snowing here! D:
I'm glad I pretty much live as South of Canada as you can get. :lol: It's 22C today where I live. :D

It's supposed to rain later today and tomorrow though. :( Better than snow still.
Oh, that's just not fair. It's only 5 degrees here. But at least the snow missed us :lol: