Survival Of The Loners: Can You Make It On Your Own?

CSIannalysse said: This is my life exactly too! However, I do prefer being alone more often when I'm at home; just to go over my thoughts. (...) So people consider me weird and avoid me anyway, so I've adapted to be a loner without going completely crazy.

I think everyone has silent moments. Some talk about them
- others not.
I could never spend the rest of my life being completely alone. I would miss my friends and my family too much. I am a loner though, I have the need to escape people when I'm around them to much. I need my alone time, the chance to hear my own thoughts and I get cranky when I'm surrounded by people 24/7.
Being alone is a vital part of me surviving this world but for the rest of my life? Never. I like being independant but I also like that I need all the people that are important to me. A life without them would be empty.
Sixth grade was hell for me, and it was because my friends abandoned me. At school I had no one to go to when I was having a bad day, I had no one to go to for a shoulder to cry on, I had no one to vent to when I was angry, and it really screwed things up for me. I can't make it on my own, and I don't believe anyone can, either.

Everyone needs space sometimes if they've been around people too long and just want some time to themselves. But not all the time. We wouldn't survive if we didn't have someone, we would be like hollow shells, just a body with no soul.
I could never make it on my own for my entire life. I'm alone right now, and it sucks. I do like my own space, and often find myself perfectly happy in my own company. But when it comes to those days where you realize how alone you are and just break down and cry.. there's nobody there. I know it may sound silly but today was a breakdown day for me. I had nobody to talk to, so I called my parents.. and even they kind of abandoned me. Almost like they were putting the fact that I am a loner right infront of my face. It feels like nobody is on your side.. but alas! Tomorrow is another day! So to answer the question: I enjoy being a loner, but I go crazy when I actually realize it. I can't make it on my own!
I'm by no means a loner. I have many sets of friends that I hang out with and lots of family members that are always there for me. I've grown up with everyone always being there for me. I honestly can't rememeber a time when I had no one to talk to. But I think if it ever happened that I was alone, I could make it. I would just remember that I am never truly alone. I have one ultimate friend who is like no other and he will always be by my side no matter what. So in the future, if I ever feel alone (and no doubt I probably will) I will just turn to God and I will know that things will get better.
I don't know about all the time but I do love to be alone or not. With me it's part of my high functioning autism disorder, I can function at work and with the family but also prefer alone time since I feel socially awkward a lot of the time.
I dont think i could make it on my own. I am a very social person. Yes, i do enjoy time alone but i love having company and being surrounded by people. I think i would go crazy if i was all alone.
Surely it would be a difficult feat for one to live completely alone, but I think I may be one of those rare sociopathic people that, well, just doesn't like people in general. I suppose that's why I have chosen to converse with others on the internet more frequently than I do with people in the "real world"...I never have to see any of you face to face. And if I don't like something you say or don't feel like participating, I can just *flip* turn the monitor off. If only real people had a Power button that would make them shut their whiney, complaining mouths. I think people in general talk entirely too much. If everyone finally realized that every silence does not need to be filled with meaningless chatter, the world would be a much quieter, listening-oriented place. If you think about it, existance itself is meaningless. We spend so much time squabbling about tiny, insignificant details that we fail to see life's big picture. Well now that I've gone off on a tangent, I'll try to stay on topic: I don't need people. I'm a very solitary person, and I often find it easier to think and live without the distractions and problems of other people. Call me strange or self-centered, but that's just what I think about the topic.

I've i take a look at the word Loner i can count myself on it. My parents where never there in the past when i needed them and i did everything by myself.
On my school i didnt have real friends so the most of the time i was alone & i hated it on that moment.
But after a lot of things that happend to me in the last few years im happy being alone, i like people around me but not for long. And im more and more doing things alone and i like it.. So its strange to have people with me doing things, i dont say that i dont need some one around me because i also feel lonely many times and i like to have a relationship one day and so i have to learn to have people around me. And thats difficult after being alone for a long time.. But im already learning.. ;)
Learning, that's the best part about socializing. You learn. Other than that, I find I am happier when I am alone, but surrounded by people. Does that make sense
Wow this topic is old. Oh well.

I kinda am a loner. I don't have many real life friends. I mostly have online friends and can honestly say that the people I talk to online are better friends, and I know them better, than the few friends I have in real life.

At school I pretty much do everything alone. I do projects alone, I eat alone, sit on the bus alone. I pretty much just go to my classes and go home. When I get home, I sit in my room doing whatever, alone. It's not like, sad or anything, and not like I don't like being alone. I just would rather be alone and I don't mind it.

So honestly, I think I could stand being alone for the rest of my life. Not that I would want to be, I do have family and I would like to get married. But if I don't, I'm not going to think I missed out on something huge in my life. I could do it.
Wow, reading your reply was like reading my own thoughts from when I was in school. If you don't mind being alone there's no harm in it. Like you said, it won't be something you look back at and think 'dang, I missed out on a lot."

I was wondering, do you think this is something we pick up from childhood or something that runs in the family - like an antisocial uncle or a sociopath aunt? :lol:
There are times when it does suck being alone, but there are some good things about it.

- I don't have to fight over the remote control for what's on TV.
- No nylons hanging over the shower curtain rod or whether the seat is up or down.
- I know where almost everything is in my messy apartment, so nobody should try to straighten it up.
- Don't have to buy fancy china and silverware. It's paper plates and plastic utensils for me. Don't have to wash them, too.
- Nobody pulling the blanket away from me.
- I like the temperature on the cool side.

*sigh* I'm so lonely.
So, we've all fought with our parents at one point or another when it comes to "leaving us alone". Have you ever stopped to think, however, if you really would like to be left alone?

sign me up, it sounds like HEAVEN.

i'm a real loner anyway, 90% of stuff i do, i do by myself. i have friends but even my best friend lives 200 miles away. i have friends in london but these are people i see maybe once every couple of months. i like that my friends don't expect me to see them, i see them from time to time, we chat, we have fun, then that's it for the next weeks/months/years. online friends are even better because they're often even further away. i don't mind being sociable, i just like to do it on my own terms and not too often.

as for romantic alone - well i hate romantic relationships anyway, i've never had a long one because i got so fed up and dumped them, the last one i had was over 5 years ago and i swore at the time i'd *never* do it again, and i haven't and i don't miss it at all. when my friends talk about their boy/girlfriends i think "why?!" - i just don't get it! i get the odd crush and that's fine (it's almost never on anyone i know, it's usually someone very distant who i'll never meet) but i don't want to do anything about it.

if i could permanently get away from my parents i'd be the happiest person alive - this is one reason i want to move to france after my degree - living alone 5 tube stops away from them just isn't enough!

i think some people think it's a bit weird just how much i like my own space, but it's really not. i think society thinks you're some kind of freak if you don't have a partner/busy social life/etc etc but sod that, i'm not going to do something just to please the mythical "they". also like roboticmuffin, i have a strong sociopathic streak - i find people generally quite hard work. i'm a born cynic and i think people find my negativity/cynicism/sarcasm/reality checks a problem - which is fine with me because most people just annoy me and maybe those things are a kind of internal mechanism to avoid my getting involved with people that would only bug me anyway!

as long as i had my cats, the net, a tv and lots of books, i'd be a happy happy bunny:thumbsup: