What a wonderful, fantastic, excellent, terrific, awesomely cheesy episode. Seriously, OMG.
Am I scarred for life? Only a little. Mostly it's all good, though.
1. So, the changed Supernatural title totally caught me off guard, and was completely made of awesome.
2. The flashbacks. The fact that they were there, was squee-inducing. At first I wasn't really feeling it, but then the scene of "monsters are real" sitting on the bed, I suddenly SAW Dean and Sam and it became REAL. <3
3. Dean is so fudging good at embarrassing Sam. "He's just kidding, we only came here to watch." :lol: Ok, maybe Sam embarrasses himself.
4. "Tell me you didn't smell that, that was candy, man." "That was ripple." :lol:
5. That was the best fudging rendition of Silent Night I've every heard in my whole fudging life.
6. When the little boy watched his dad get dragged away by the anti-Santa, I think part of my soul shriveled up and died from sadness.
7. Dean and Sam's moment with the emotions and the brotherliness and the "Dean's Last Christmas." *whimper*
8. Absolutely everything about the Creepy Christmas Couple was just... PERFECT.
9. Dude, Sam got strangled and Dean got thrown up against a wall in a ten second time frame. OH SHOW HOW I LOVE YOU SO INCREDIBLY MUCH. CAPSLOCK.
10. A guy can get his arm ground up in a garburator, or get a barbecue fork through the back of his skull and I'm fine. But tearing off Sam's fingernail? GAAAAAAAAAH. That was probably the most gross/disturbing moment in the entire series for me. SAMMY!!

11. Maybe it's just me, but when Sam stabbed the lady with the tree? HOLY CRAP NOT 100% PURE SAMMY.
12. THE AMULET!!! OMFG, THE AMULET!!!! Also, that scene was like every single Christmas SPN fanfic I have ever read. *g*
13. The end scene. So cheesy and awkward and wonderful and perfect and squee-inducing. FOR THE WIN.