Hey all, I'm home. Watched the ep. Here's my thoughts written as I watched:
Cool power, shutting off the car alarms. Thanks, Cas. They were hurting my ears and I already have an ear ache.
Uriel: Mind your tone with me, boy.
Dean: No! You mind your tone with us! :thumbsup:
Dean: Stop pushing us around like chess pieces for five freaking minutes!"
You may not care, Uriel, but Cas does.
Love Sam's "Damnit!" when the angels took Dean.
Dean: I want to talk to Cas alone.
Dean (to Uriel): Get some donuts while you're out. :lol:
Uriel: I think I'm starting to like you, boy.
Uriel's the funniest angel? :wtf:
The powers think CAs is getting too close to his charges, specifically Dean. Sounds like Giles/Buffy haha.
Alastair's singing. I want to smack him. :lol:
Dean to Alastair: Oh you'll spill your guts one way or another. I just didn't want to ruin my shoes. :guffaw:
Ewww! Sam drinking Ruby's blood. :wtf: Is he a vampire now?
Cas can throw a punch!
I still don't think it's Dean's fault. John didn't break cause the pain wasn't great enough. The pain of losing a significant other is greater than any physical pain. John lost Mary, so to him what Alastair was doing didn't hurt as much, that's why he didn't break. Dean hasn't had that, hasn't known that yet because he hasn't loved like John loved Mary. So, he was easier to break. The demons knew this and took advantage of it.
Uriel is jealous of humans. :lol:
Uriel: There is no God.
Anna: Maybe, maybe not, but there's still me! :lol:
Yay! Uriel is dead!
My channel messed up. After the commercial break following Anna killing Uriel, it came back with Dean and Cas in the hospital and Dean saying "the demons" and Cas said something about Uriel being a trader. What did I miss in the conversation?
By the way, Dean sounded so much like John when he said "the demons". His voice was so much deeper than usual.
:lol: in that preview of next week's ep, Dean looks funny with his hair styled like that. :lol: