Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Business

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Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

Oh yeah! How could I forgot the "I had the weekend off" comment. That line made me laugh. That guy is so funny. Love him! Still miss John though. :)
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

Same here. John was great. I loved how much Dean looked up to him. But Bobby is a nice replacement!
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

Yeah, he is. John was never really funny, he was just nice to look at... and that voice. :sigh: But, Bobby just cracks me up. :D
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

THE VOICE! Don't get me started and Jeffery Dean Morgan's voice. So raspy and deep and wonderful!

Hey can anyone elaborate through PM or Spoiler Text what the new episode is about? My TiVo sucks because It didn't record the last 30 of it. :(
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

They usually have it up on the CW site, if you want to watch it. I've been meaning to check that out myself...
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

I'm sure some of you have watched All Hell Breaks Loose Parts 1 and 2, but did you hear the Yellow Eyed Demon saying to Sam something along the lines of that he was from "other generations" of his supposed "soldiers" or something like that. With the episode coming up, showing that the Yellow Eyed Demon had some connection with Mary when they were younger led me to think that she was somehow part of that said generation and that could be another one of the reasons that Sam has his powers, but made me think if that was the case, why doesn't Dean have any. I just thought it'd be interesting for him to have some sort of power, but I'm a little messed up on Cough Syrup :rolleyes:

I'm not going to give you too much, basically Dean ends up travelling back in time and he encounters his parents who had just fallen in love as teenagers and his paternal granfather. I have a friend that has somehow managed to watch the episode, I told him not to tell me much but he did tell me that there's plenty of 'Fangirl' Moments ... oh and that Dean cries :shifty: and wakes up in bed beside someone :devil: that's all for now, but I will show you this and I will let you know, this is a Dean Centric Episode. Sam is only in the episode for less than a minute.

I'm really excited for the next episode, damn my friend for making me think of all the fangirl moments that can be imagined :rolleyes: I just hope that Dean doesn't wake up beside Sam, Mary or John :guffaw:
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

Jeeze, how'd he get to see it already? I'm totally jealous!
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

He's a total Si-Fi buff and he's got some friends that work for some internet Si-Fi website and they had access to the show somehow.

I'd think it would be bad if Dean said something about Mary being hot :lol: Knowing him, he would though :p
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

thats hella cool your friend got to see it already, seems like its going to be pretty interesting.

i used to think that too!! that was on of the first things i thought after watching ahbl i guess we have to wait and see though, which sucks. they should be like a soap opera and have a new show everyday ha.
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

:lol: It's funny that you brought up Soap Operas, if I recall from me watching Days of Our Lives when I was in fifth grade, yes I've been a fan of Jensen ever since :p Eric's mom Marlena was possessed by the devil ... I just can't believe I watch Soap Operas lol
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

I just hope that Dean doesn't wake up beside Sam, Mary or John

:lol: It'd be funny if it was the younger version of Jo's mom... what's her name? Is it Ellen? Can't remember. :lol: Or if it was Bobby's wife. :lol:

:lol: I just had a thought. What if Dean wakes up next to Castiel? But not in THAT way... just that Castiel's there when Dean wakes up, leaning over the bed or something and at first it freaks Dean out and he says something about "don't sneak up on me like that". :lol: That would be funny!
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

Dean waking up in bed with Castiel beside him. :devil: :guffaw:I wonder if he's sitting beside him or laying there beside him :p Dean's reaction is going to be great!
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

I'd think it would be bad if Dean said something about Mary being hot :lol: Knowing him, he would though :p

I think we know Dean too well. I just saw a 20 second clip from the episode, so far I'm loving this episode, and I haven't even seen it yet. :lol:
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

I'm just excited that I saw an actual commercial for Supernatural on TV last night. That's right, I said an ACTUAL COMMERCIAL on TV! Maybe the CW does like Supernatural a little bit after all. Who knew?!! :eek:


All I can say is that they've impressed me with the first 2 episodes so I see no reason why the pattern shouldn't continue. Can't wait for the new one this week! :)
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

I'm just excited that I saw an actual commercial for Supernatural on TV last night. That's right, I said an ACTUAL COMMERCIAL on TV! Maybe the CW does like Supernatural a little bit after all. Who knew?!! :eek:

Hahaha, is it really that bad? Well the network that Supernatural is on here doesn't show a lot of commercials for Supernatural either. It's different though, we're only at season 1. :lol: So glad I've been able to follow though. Thank god for DVD's and stuff! :p
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