Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

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all the snow from yesterday melted away and now even the sun is shining.
it's not very warm, maybe 5°C. but everything's better than snow!
2°C cold cold cold - stormy, rain and snow and now it´s soo dark here i hate this melting weather
cainesugar said:
Here in Los Angeles it was like 90 degrees all last week, but cooled of today. Lucky, you people with snow!
i would love to give you our snow if i could get your warm and sunny weather instead! :D
i want SUMMER!!!
Well, today is the day that snow has finally been forecast. It is currently about 2c and very windy. A tiny flurry of snow was seen earlier and now I can see a couple of big flakes... *yay* is happy. :D

Or at least I will be, until it all amounts to nothing and my hopes of seeing the cats looking very confused when they go outside is ruined! :lol:
Yesterday ended with rain so I hope today doesn't end the same way. Loved the snow but now I'm ready for spring like weather. Especially after a few weeks ago when we had 70 degree temps during the day. ;)
Very strange today.

We had sun, rain, snow, sun and hail.

Temperatures between 2° and 9°C.
Ugh today it rained all day, on and off, and I had to walk home from school. Then it decided to rain hard, instead of in PE when we had to run. Jeez.
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