Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

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it snowed in england! well in warwickshire, dont know about the rest of the country, but here it did, my dog was very confused! hes a st bernard so it was like he was home!
Stoky said:
DaWacko yes you´ve right, in europe is to warm. Here in germany is it today -4°C - -6°C ok, -32°C is really heavy but for us here is -6°C a lot :lol: when we get -32°C i can´t move :lol:

:p I'm glad it's winter now... you have your winter, I have my winter :lol:

It was -31c again this morning. It was bit nasty, because we have diesel car, and winterdiesel is marked to take only -32c (MAX) weather, if it gets colder - your car may freeze. And I had to drive 300km and back :lol: So I actually took my ice fishing clothes with me in case car stops moving. I saw probably 10-12 cars frozen on the side of the road, mostly vans (dieselcars) :lol: :lol:
Leather seats ain't nice thing when it's this cold :|

Tomorrow will still be the same.

The weather today was so freaking horrible!!

It started snowing at 10.30am and about 12am it's already been white outside. It was very cold!
When my friend and I wanted to drive home at 4 we already had 15cm snow on the streets! :eek:
And the best part: under this huge film of snow were nothing but ice! So now... how to come home alive?
It took us more than 40 mintues for only 2,5km!

The highway was totally loaded with cars that came neither forward nor backward. Traffic jam! Put together for the highway we wanted to drive: about 30(!!)km... and a piece of the highway was completely closed because of a bad accident on that piece.

Finally we arrived at home after 1 1/2 hours.. and how was the weather at home? Nothing but rain! The snow, that fell in the morning, had disappeared.

I hope the streets won't freeze much this night. I won't imagine how many accidents that will cause. Oo

It's still cold outside. About -5°C now I think.
^It's horrible to think that some countries don't know the joy of wintertyres (or snowtyres, whatever the right term is) here those are compulsory from 1st Dec to last day of Feb.

Meh, we have icey roads and my speed was between 80-120km/h :D

Even with wintertyres - in south people are stupid and crash cars like manic because they are like "omg! the winterweather came all so sudden!"

Oh yes, it's surprising that it comes every year.
It's not that cold cold here, but more of a warm cold, while it's snowing. I'm sick of snow! It snowed all day. And I thought the groundhog didn't see his shadow so spring would come...
So all our snow is melting away. :( It's just icy and very cold outside.

I think we're over the worst of the snow now, which sucks, because I love the snow. :p
yer its raining here now, which sucks because ive been waiting for monthes to use my new umbrella and i havent had the chance, the one day i could use the damn thing it happens to be in my suitcase
:lol: snow since yesterday night, 8 cm and is soo slushy :p oh and tomorrow weather forcast sais stormy - typicall for our country
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