Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

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First day in this winter time that we have temperatures under 0 degrees :eek:

I think -3C is quite cold. But at least the sun was shining
It's soooo freaking cold outside!! Ice everywhere. No snow (but I don't want snow anymore now) and sometimes fresh wind.

It's about -5°C.
^ Can you make it to Kent by morning? Apparently they're going to get heaps there tonight :eek:

I would have sent you some snow, all melted so quick :(
Yes, snow in Cambridge too!!! We woke up to a couple of cm's it was lovely :)
Would've been a lot lovelier if there ws more and we got a snow day though ;)
It's snowing :D but I guess the snow will melt quickly. :(
We had spring weather until Monday,last Thursday there were 22 ºC :eek: and now it's 4 ºC rainning,hailing and snowing.
It actually stormed today! I'm in awe! It wasn't fantastically big or anything but... it was still a storm!

It was so steamy before the storm and then the temperature dropped afterwards... sooo nice!
It wasn't as warm as it was supposed to be yesterday, but I didn't care, because it wasn't cold :p

Right now (at 7:21 AM) it's pretty much perfect. It's 1C, but with no wind at all. It's amazing!
It's been awful here since new year. First we had gale force winds. I was not impressed. I kept getting worried everytime I was on a double decker bus and when I was sat in my car and it was rocking. Quite un-nerving. And I wasn't impressed when the trams stopped running and it took me 2 1/2 hours to get home instead on 1 1/2.

Then we had rain with the wind which was horrible cos you just have to get wet. I was walking to the bus from uni and I got wet up to my knees. Not nice.

And now we've had ice. I've had to de-ice my car every morning this week which I hate doing. I swear you could get high of the de-icer. I don't like driving in ice too.

When is it going to end?! :(
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