Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

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CSI_Watcher_8 said:
Cold and it actually snowed enough to put a light dusting to cover the ground. But of course it didn't last long.

Wait wait wait, you said 'snowed' :eek: I'm just dreaming of snow. Where do you live CSI_Watcher_8 ?
For a while we had snow here. Very little of it, but anyway... Now it's melting and the roads are so slippery that it would be easier to skate to school than to drive there...
We're having a rainstorm now! :eek:
It's still very stormy outside (around 90-100km/h) and it's raining so badly. You can really hardly see anything.
I had to take my lil bro back to community home and I couldn't see anything on the streets! Neither any marks nor the manhole covers. Only thing you can see are the millions of raindrops splashing on the street.

The temperatures are still very mild. Around 13°C.
Seriously. There is no snow.Little ice here and there.Rained again last night. Weekend will be colder but still - no snow. In Lapland -there's snow but it's all plain elsewhere :(
Right now it's ridiculously cold! It doesn't normally get this cold here at this time of the year. It's like the Christmas chill arrived a little late.
It's about -20c and it's supposed to get to around -41c tonight.. yikes! The storms are a comin! Anyone here from Saskatoon?? I hear it's pretty bad there right now?!
It is so cold! Without windchill it's -17C, but adding the extremly strong windchill it's -31C! For the whole five minutes I was outside my ears like actually froze and because of the wind it gave me a headache! Agh!
its like 36 degrees and it just got done usually be happy but we've had so many snow days that the school board might be taking away our mid-winter break(which is like 4 days) and i want that break!! but its starting to melt and turn to rain
It is sunny here, but earlier this morning it was raining and there are still strong winds around. Very strong winds indeed!
I need to take my lunch break in about 10 minutes and I'm scared to go outside. :eek: Really, really, really strong winds since this morning. It's also raining now. :rolleyes:
grissoms_gurl said:
It's about -20c and it's supposed to get to around -41c tonight.. yikes! The storms are a comin! Anyone here from Saskatoon?? I hear it's pretty bad there right now?!

*moves to Canada* :rolleyes:
You sure you want to move to Canada? It's like full of canadians. :p

So frigging windy today! nearly got my bag blown over! :eek:
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