Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

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Well... I just came home 15 minutes ago. Now it's 11:44pm and it's still soo warm outside. We still have 13,5°C. Now please tell me: Is this supposed to me normal? Oo :eek:
Today it was also very stormy! It came from every direction. Very annoying. It just didn't want to stop. ^^
It's been quite miserable today. We had rain on and off this morning and the rest of the afternoon has been overcast and a little windy. :)
I want rain! AGH! I get frozen icky snow instead! Umm, it was cold today, when I was playing with my headphones, for like 10 minutes, my hands felt like they were ice! I heard it's supposed to get to like -20C in the next couple days.
Its overcast again! This weather is awesome! It wasn't too hot today either. I doubt it would have been over 30c... although I'm not entirely sure...
Hard core rain at the moment. It's so loud I can hear it through the windows. :eek:

Great, just the weather I need for my afternoon off work. :lol:
Guess what...rain, wind and mild temperatures (15°C).
Yep I agree, the weather is freaking weird, damn global warming !
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